Eiyo dearies,

Welcome back to Fadima Mooneira. I'm here to share my review of a fantasy novel I finished reading last week. The novel is titled Nirnama, and it is written by Hilal Asyraf. Now let's begin this review with Hilal Asyraf's bio...


King of Malaysian epic fantasy ~ Hilal Asyraf (red t-shirt) with his fans (Image:

Hilal Asyraf was born on the 16th of January 1989 in Johor, Malaysia. Hilal Asyraf is an alumnus of Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan. This creative genius author began his writing journey as a blogger. Later, he begins writing motivational books. 

In 2009, Hilal published his first novel titled Novel VT (Volleyball Team). During the same year, Hilal also published a motivational book, LangitIlahi: Tuhan Tidak Lupakan Kita. Hilal has published 50 books throughout his career. In 2016, Hilal formed his own publishing company, Hilal Asyraf Resources. 

If you are interested in Hilal Asyraf's works, please check out the links below...

Official website: Hilal Asyraf

Instagram: @hilalasyraf

Facebook: Hilal Asyraf Official


Jagat Suci was once a brilliant ruller. His kingdom, Indera Kayangan became a successful empire in the Nusantara world. This made Jagat Suci vain. Jagat Suci wanted to be in power forever. He doesn't trust his next successor. He also wanted to conquer the whole of Nusantara. Jagat Suci made a deal with the devil. He became immortal and the whole of Nusantara is in chaos. 

An illustration of Nirnama in the book ^_^

As years passed by, a young warrior with no name emerged. The warrior's courage and compassion in helping the people of Tanah Semenanjung spread across Nusantara. He even freed some kingdoms and villages from the evil Jagat Suci.

Who is this brave young warrior, by the way? What is his name? Even Jagat Suci is curious about him. Could this brave young man be a threat to Jagat Suci's evil plan? Definitely!

However, the warrior's name remains a mystery. Because of that, people called him Nirnama. Nirnama means No Name. And Nirnama is on a quest to save Nusantara and stop Jagat Suci's evil plan. Can Nirnama stop Jagat Suci and save Nusantara? Join Nirnama on his quest if you dare...


The best word to describe Nirnama is brilliant. This epic fantasy novel with Nusantara and Islamic theme is just simply brilliant. 

Nirnama is not just about adventure. This novel is also about spirituality. Plus, Nirnama is an eye-opener to Islam and Malay classic folklore. Reading this novel broadened my knowledge of Islam. The moral values of the story are well explained by the author.

An illustration of Puteri Santubong. This novel also includes beautiful and stunning illustrations in it ^_^

All side characters that Nirnama met during his adventures are based on Malay classic folklore ~ from Sang Kancil to Si Tanggang to Puteri Santubong and Puteri Sejinjang to Putera Serapi to Mat Jenin to Puteri Gunung Ledang to Raja Bersiong to Pak Kadok. So reading this novel also refreshed my knowledge of Malay folklore. The author also did some retelling on each side character. After reading Nirnama, I can't look at Puteri Gunung Ledang the same way again. She's so evil in this story. Ouch! 

An illustration of Mat Jenin. He is my favorite character in the story ^_^

I like that the author portrayed Mat Jenin as a genius. Mat Jenin is one of my favorite icons in Malay folklore. In the original Malay folklore, Mat Jenis has always been portrayed as a foolish boy who only likes daydreaming and doing nothing. But in Nirnama, Mat Jenin is a creative genius who always thinks out of the box. Mat Jenin has the intelligence of an intelligence officer. He has good observation and analysis skills. He knows more than others do. As a fan of Mat Jenin, I always believe he is a genius just like the one Hilal Asyraf portrayed in Nirnama. Hehehe ^_^

I also like the way Hilal Asyraf creates chemistry tension between Nirnama and his love interest, Cendana. It makes you wonder if they will end up together at the end of the story. Plus, I like the way Hilal Asyraf hints at romance. There are no romantic cheesy scenes or dialogues between Nirnama and Cendena. The author only describes their feelings towards each other and how they support each other till the end. Besides lovers, Nirnama and Cendena are also partners in crime. They are a good team together. That's classy. And I like that ^_^

Raja Bersiong~ one of the sexy bad guys in the story. Hehehe ^_^

Overall, I rate this novel 10/10. I enjoyed reading Nirnama a lot. I believe Nirnama is now my no.1 favorite epic fantasy read. Insya-Allah, I will read this novel again in the future. I also highly recommend Nirnama to my fellow bookworms, especially those who are into the epic fantasy genre and want to learn about Islam and Malay folklore. This novel is a must-not-miss, guys. Btw, this novel has an English version ^_^ Just click on this link if you want to check it out >> NIRNAMA: THE NAMELESS WARRIOR

Okay, so this is my review of Hilal Asyraf's Nirnama. Before I end this post, I would like to ask my readers three related questions...

1) Have you guys read Nirnama by Hilal Asyraf?

2) If yes, what are your opinions of the story? 

3) And who is your favorite character in the story?

Feel free to share your answers in the comment box below. Let's geek about Nirnama together ^_^

Thank you for reading. I'll see you guys again next week. Insya-Allah. Have a good Ramadan, my Muslim friends. Take care.


Fadima Mooneira ^_^

(Authorpreneur, Content Creator, Blogger & Illustrator)

#Nirnama #HilalAsyraf #EpicFantasy #IslamicTheme #MalayFolklore #FantasyNovel #HilalAsyrafResources #NovelReview #FadimaMooneiraLibrary #Edutainment #FadimaMooneiraDotCom




  1. This sounds like a really interesting book, well deserving of your description of 'Brilliant'! I love the artwork/illustrations too, they really add a great layer to the narrative.

    1. I second everything you said. Thumbs up to Hilal Asyraf and his team.

  2. Super interesting! I love the way you describe the characters and the plot it sounds like a great book to check out :D

    1. Yes, it's definitely is. And Hilal Asyraf is an author we all must support.

  3. That's amazing Hilal Asyraf published 50 books and started a publishing company! Nirnama sounds like a fantastic book, and I like that it incorporates characters based on Malay classic folklore!

    1. Yeah, absolutely amazing! I'm proud of my fellow Malaysian ^_^

  4. This book sounds really interesting! I love the illustrations in the book x

    Lucy Mary

  5. This sounds like a wonderful read, full of depth. Great review!

  6. The graphics are amazing, and I like how the author includes folklore in the book.

  7. Sounds fun. I am just getting started with fantasy novels.

    1. That’s cool!!! Fantasy is my third favorite genre after romance and slice of life.

  8. Sounds very interesting!! I love the drawings in it as well. Wonderful review!

    1. The drawings added beauty to the story 😍😍😍

  9. Good review. No, I haven't read this book but it looks interesting.

  10. This is interesting, first time to know about this novel and you shared great review about it. Love the drawings as well, the mat jenin.

  11. This book sounds great, it sounds like it goes into full depth and I love the drawings too! x

    Lucy Mary


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