Fashion Review: Lin All Natural

Sawadikaap dearies,

I' am enjoying a vacation in Bangkok, Thailand now ^_^ So what's rockin you guys for federal day tomorrow? 

Bangkok has been awesome for me. I always love Bangkok. It's my second visit here. To me Bangkok is always the city of hot guys and pretty girls. There are a lot of beautiful people in Bangkok. Dlm byk2 tempat yg saya pernah visit Bangkoklah tempat paling byk org cantik2. Memang rambang mata. Hehehe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

However, tujuan i post nie bukan utk citer pasal my vacation in Bangkok tau (that one pls catch it in my next post. Insya'Allah) or hot guys and gals. But i wanna write a review and introduce to you all about a Thai independent fashion line i just got to know while window shopping at Sathorn Subway Station. The fashion line is call "Lin All Natural".

Lin All Natural - Natural casual clothes * Made by heart * Simple designs

Lin All Natural (LAN) is founded by a young Thai independent designer name Lin. She's a local Thai girl, age 28, very talented, friendly, and pretty. I was lucky that i got the chance to meet Lin while i was shopping at LAN pop up store at the subway station and got the chance to interviewed her. While i was amaze looking at the beauty of each dresses, blouses, and clothes, i didn't know that the girl who served me was the designer and entrepreneur herself. When i asked her "is this Thai local brand?", she answer me with a "yes" and also said "i'm the owner and designer". Wow! I was delighted. Lin is really talented and humble.

Me with the very talented and creative young fashion designer - Lin of Lin All Natural

Lin All Natural Instagram page : @lin_allnatural

This blue checked dress is a beauty!

Lin All Natural outfits are all made of linen material. Most of the designs are simple but yet trendy and classy. It suits the tagline "Natural casual clothes * Made by Heart * Simple design". I simply have fallen in love with all LAN designs. LAN clothes are also very high quality. All the clothes are really well made. The price range are affordable, around 500 Baht -1000 Baht (RM60 -RM150)

Besides beautiful blouses, dresses, skirts, trousers, LAN also provide customers with lovely packaging. I was impress with the packaging. All LAN product are pack in a cute white square box with LAN logo, tagline, and message "Enjoy Life With Young Heart" on it. The package also include a thank you card and care label. 

Items you purchase will be pack in the cute lovely box

Thank you card from Lin

Care label......... LAN clothes are all hand wash ya

I got a "Linen Lover" tote bag as a free gift. Tqvm Lin. Like it a lot!

Lin mention to me that she is currently operating her business online via Instragram and Facebook. For girls/ladies who love online shopping, you can check out LAN's Instagram and Facebook...........

Here is where you can search for Lin's page 

Oh yeah, before i forgot, Lin All Natural only sell clothes for ladies yeh. No mens. Sorry jejaka2 :P Lin All Natural is suitable to wear for casual occasions, office wear, and high-tea and dinner events. 

Ok'lah, that's all i wanna say about Lin All Natural. Hope you guys really check out Lin's creative designs after reading my blog. To Lin, my new friend from Bangkok, i wish you all the best in your fashion business. May you one day become a world class fashion designer and Lin All Natural also become a world famous fashion brand. You are very talented, creative, smart, humble, and have the ability to succeed. Pls noted that ya ^_^

Huhuhu.............. i have 2/3 days left in Bangkok. Wanna rest. Tomorrow gonna be another adventure. Ratri swasdi (good night in Thai).

Kap Kun Kaa,

Fadima Mooneira

#LinAllNatural #Lin #Fashion #ThaiFashion #Linen #CasualWear #FashionReview #FadimaMooneiraBlogspot


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