Dear Fadneiras,

Welcome back to Fadima Mooneira. Today, I want to share with you guys a review of a novel I finished reading two weeks ago. The novel is titled Klara And The Sun. The novel is written by Kazuo Ishiguro. Now let's begin the review with Kazuo Ishiguro's profile.


The brilliant novelist ~ Kazuo Ishiguro (Image:

Kazuo Ishiguro is a Japanese novelist who lives in the United Kingdom. He was born on the 8th Of November 1954 in Nagasaki, Japan. He moved to the United Kingdom at the age of 5 with his parents. Besides being a novelist, Ishiguro is also a screenwriter, musician, and short-story writer. 

Ishiguro is an award-winning author. Most of his novels have won awards and are listed as bestsellers. Some of his novels are A Pale View Of Hills, An Artist Of The Floating World, The Remains Of The Day, The Unconsoled, When We Were Orphans, Never Let Me Go, The Buried Giant, and Klara And The Sun.


The novel, Klara And The Sun (KATS) belongs in the self-discovery and dystopian genre. The setting of the story takes place in the dystopian future world where robots walk the earth with humans. 

The story follows a robot girl named Klara. Klara is designed and manufactured as an artificial companion to teenagers. In the dystopian future world, school is a thing in the past. Children in the future no longer go to school because the world is extremely polluted. They all study at home with an on-screen tutor. And because of this, opportunities for socialization become limited for children. So all parents get their children a robot friend as a companion.

The story begins at a robot store where Klara is for sale. From the window of the store, Klara learns about the outside world, the sun, and hopes that one day she will find an owner and a new home. As a solar power robot, Klara believes that the sun is her God. To the sun, Klara prays for good things to herself and others.

One day, a 14-year-old girl named Josie enters the robot store. Josie is looking for a robot friend. Josie chooses Klara to become her artificial companion. At first, Josie's mother advises her to choose a robot from the latest model. Klara is not a robot from the latest model. But Josie still wants Klara. To Josie, Klara is special. So the mother gives Klara a test. She asks Klara to imitate Josie. Klara passes the mother's test. And the mother agrees to buy Klara.

After living with Josie and her mother, Klara learns that life outside the store is not exactly what she expected. Klara also finds out that Josie had an elder sister named Sal. Sal died when Josie was a baby due to a terrible disease. And Josie herself is ill and dying.

In the middle of the story, Klara finds out the real reason why Josie's mother agrees to bring her into the family and ask her to imitate Josie several time. It's because the mother wants Klara to replace Josie if the girl dies. Klara disagrees with the mother's plan. So every day she prays to the sun to give Josie hope to live.

So will the sun listen to Klara's prayer? Will Josie have hope to live?


My illustration of the pretty robot girl, Klara ^_^ (Image: My Artstagram @fmooneira_art)

KATS is one of the best novels I've read this year. KATS is a very imaginative novel to me. Before KATS, I never read a novel set in the dystopian future world. So this is something new and different to me.

I like the way Ishiguro writes his story and delivers his messages to his readers. As a reader, I believe that this novel is not just Ishiguro's imagination, but it is also the author's prediction of what the world is going to be like in the future. I believe that Ishiguro as a baby-boomer is warning us, Millenials to reflect on ourselves, the way we treat each other, and the world. Our attitude today might be our future, guys. If we don't change ourselves now, it will bring an impact on the future generation and the world.

I also believe that the setting in KATS is the world after the Covid-19 effect. Guys, if we did not treat each other and the world with kindness, the world is not going to revive after Covid-19. We might have a dystopian future. This is what Ishiguro is trying to tell us in his writing. Besides the dystopian future, Ishiguro also highlighted issues on the environment, humanity, love, and society in KATS. 

Overall, I believe KATS is a brilliant novel. I might repeat reading it soon. I rate this novel 10/10 and highly recommend it to my fellow bookworms. Guys, Klara And The Sun is a novel you must not miss. After all, KATS has already been recognized as one of the best novels in 2021. This novel has received positive critiques from book experts and it is also a bestseller. Plus, KATS will be adapted into a movie soon. So please add this novel to your TBR. Trust me, you guys are going to love this novel.

Last but not least, I'm thankful that I already read this novel. Thank you to my mother for buying this novel for me as a gift. I really love it, Eomoni. You're the best ^_^

Ok, so this is my review of Klara And The Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro. So has anyone read Klara And The Sun? If yes, what are your opinions of this novel? Please share your opinions with me in the comment box below.

Ok, this is all for now. Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy this review. And I hope to see you guys again soon. Take care.


Fadima Mooneira ^_^

#KlaraAndTheSun #KazuoIshiguro #SelfDiscoveryNovel #DystopianNovel #FuturisticNovel #NovelReview #FadimaMooneiraLibrary #Edutainment #FadimaMooneiraDotCom




  1. This sounds really intriguing and I like a good story about dystopian themes. Thanks for the review!

  2. Sounds like a good read! I think I'll put it in my TBR too. Thanks for the review! I hv seen the author's novel, The Buried Giant at my kedai before, but I think I hv misplaced it somehow 😅

    Btw I'm currently reading a local novel with dystopian theme, too. So far so distressing LOL 😂

    1. Malay novel with dystopian theme? Wow!!!!!! Who’s the author? Before this the only Malay novel that I’ve read with dystopian theme is Magis by RAM.

    2. Yeah, it's a new novel just published last March kalau x silap.. titled The Sultanate: Lord Empero, by Elvroseth. It's set in a bleak future where religion was banned altogether. Because of a lot of religious conflicts in the past, the society had resorted to being without religion. However, people still lived in fear because most parts of the world was now governed by the atheist Lord Empero, who is an evil tyrant, and he oppressed people especially those who didn't worship him. His atrocities towards the Muslims looks like sort of inspired by kisah Nabi Musa vs Firaun. I just started reading it yesterday, so far the story is promising (not cliche), but a bit disturbing for me.

    3. That sounds awesome. Who is the author? You make me want to read this book as well, dear bestie 😍😍😍

  3. This sounds like an interesting book. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this book.

  4. I enjoyed Remains of the Day and When we were Orphans. This sounds very different but I enjoy Kazuo Ishiguro's writing style so I may give this a read.

    1. Wow.... KATS is the first Ishiguro novel I’ve read. I should add the ones you mentioned. Thank you for sharing too.

  5. I'm glad you enjoyed this! I love it when you read a brilliant book. I've not heard of this but the story line sounds like it's something I would enjoy.

    Corinne x

  6. What an interesting intriguing and innovative storyline. The author has a brilliant imagination

    1. Yesssssss!!!!!! It’s imaginative but also realistic.

  7. A novel idea for a story about a robot girl. Definitely original.

  8. Wow, I would really love to read this novel. It’s interesting, not sure what the robot Klara would do. It’s brilliant from the author

  9. I had a chance to read it a couple of months ago and really like Ishiguro's writing! It wasn't one of my favorites read of the year, but really liked the overall plot x

  10. I'm still yet to read any Ishiguro, really need to get on that! This sounds like a really interesting read, and the staying at home and learning through a screen definitely feels relatable after the past couple of years!

    1. Yeah, true. This novel is also based on the COVID-19 effect on the world.

  11. Ruth| Ruthiee loves GlamourNovember 27, 2021 at 9:28 AM

    I have never heard of this novel before but it sounds like an interesting read. I would absolutely love to give it a read!

  12. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. It sounds very interesting and original! :)

  13. Wow, I feel as thought this could be somewhat of a reality in years to come, given the current state of the planet. It seems like such a sweet story with Klara being chosen by Josie, but also quite sad too because of the reasoning. Sounds like an interesting read!

    1. Yeah, it was a very intriguing read. I must not miss this novel.

  14. Great review.

    This book sounds amazing. Not something I would normally read but after reading your review, I would buy and read it. I want to know what happens now!

  15. I have never heard the name of the author and this novel before.Maybe also the reason I read less of the novel but it seems like an interesting read to me. But this novel makes me really want to read it!

  16. Alaaa.. Tengah syok baca kena beli pula nak tahu ending. Hahaha! I love all the science fiction novels. Jarang mengantuk kalau baca.

  17. i haven't heard of this one before but i'm glad you enjoyed it!!

  18. interesting story...i have been very long not read novels..hehe. Maybe will continue read soon.

  19. Menarik juga jalan cerita novel ni. Lain yang diimpikan Klara, lain pula realiti yang terpaksa dia tempuh.

    1. Yes, it was a very intriguing and interesting read.

  20. Thanks for sharing your review this book sounds really interesting will check it out

  21. Menarik novel ni. Ingat boleh tahu ending tapi kena beli pulak. Heheheh apa pun lain yg diimpikan Klara lain yang jadi macam tu juga kehidupan kita kan.

    1. Ha’ah, yeah. Sebab sbaik mana kita merancang, Allah S.W.T tetap merancang yg terbaik.

  22. Interesting novel. I feel like I want to know about the story when I read your review. Maybe I should get the book.

  23. I've read The Remains of the Day and Never Let Me Go but KATS is new to me. It's quite a topical theme, I think, and definitely a book I'd like to read - fab review, Fadima, thank you!

    1. You're welcome, Lisa. Since you're familiar with Ishiguro's work, I'm sure you are going to enjoy KATS.

  24. wah menarik. Baguslah you as a writer, you aware dan rajin baca novel yang bagus. It must broadened your knowledge dan buat u berfikir differently. Kak Bell tunggu movie dia je la nanti ye. Hehe

    1. Syukur alhamdulillah. My mother pun byk membantu I utk membaca more and more. Yeah, reading helps me a lot to improve my writing.

  25. This reminds me of certain movies that I have watched like i-robot. It is about human's overreliance on technology. This will be a great read. Thanks for sharing.

  26. Menarik sinopsisnya.. nak baca bersama anak2 nanti.. baru feel bila Klara And The Sun bersama diaorg..

    1. Auwww..... that's a good idea and motivation. Chaiyok!!!!!!!!!

  27. I gonna read about Klara And The Sun soon when I am free too. Always love to read when free

  28. i suka the way you review the books. best.. ni yg motivate me utk lbh rajin membaca

  29. Menarik jalan ceritanya. Banyak yang tersirat dan nilai murni disampaikan oleh penulis.

  30. Menarik cerita yang ditonjolkan. Cerita tentang masa depan yang berbeza dengan kehidupan kita skrg tapi masih ada nilai2 murni yang diselitkan. Good to read.

    1. Yes, it was a good read. You must not miss it ya 😉

  31. thanks for this book review, really enjoy your review about this book with attractive genre, really amazing

  32. Totally agreed with you kan! This is the future that most of the writer or scriptwriter predicting kan! Hey, i love the illustration of Klara that you created! Beautiful kan!

    1. Thank you for your compliment on my illustration of Klara 💖🧡💕

  33. Thanks for sharing this Klara And The Sun novel review, will check out the physical book.


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