Eiyo Fadneiras,

Welcome back to Fadima Mooneira. Today, I want to share my review of a novel I finished reading last two weeks. The novel is titled Married By Morning (MBM). And it is written by Lisa Kleypas. First, let's check out Lisa Kleypas' bio...


My favorite historical romance author now ~ Lisa Kleypas (Image:

Lisa Kleypas is an American author. She is one of the A-list historical romance authors besides Julia Quinn and Tessa Dare.  19 of her novels has won the RITA (Romance Writer Of America) Award. Most of her novels are bestsellers and have been translated into 14 different languages. Kleypas lives in Washington, America with her husband and two children.


Married By Morning (MBM) is the fourth book in Lisa Kleypas’ Hathaway series. This historical romance belongs to the eldest Hathaway sibling, Leo, and his love interest, Catherine Marks.

In Tempt Me At Twilight (the third book in the Hathaway series), Kleypas already hint us that something was going on between Leo and Catherine. Catherine was the governess and companion to the two youngest Hathaway sisters, Poppy and Beatrix. Catherine was also Harry Rutledge's (the hero in Tempt Me At Twilight, and Poppy Hathaway's husband) half-sister.

In Seduce Me At Sunrise and Tempt Me At Twilight, Leo and Catherine were like a cat and a dog. They liked to quarrel and argue with each other. In MBM, their quarreling and arguing suddenly spark a mutual attraction.

In the fifth chapter, Leo found out that the Ramsay House was not 100% his. So to save his family's house, Leo must get married and produce an heir within one year. So Leo’s family organized a ball for him at the Ramsay House. During the ball, he was introduced to many eligible young women. But none of them attracted him. Leo was only attracted to Catherine. And at the same time, an unexpected guest appeared at the ball. The guest's name was Lord Latimer.

Lord Latimer was Catherine’s nightmare. He was the person that Catherine had been hiding from. The next day after the ball, Catherine left the Ramsay House. The Hathaways were upset. Leo went to the train station to look for Catherine.

While they were traveling to London together, Leo learned something about Catherine’s past. She showed him her vulnerable side. Leo discovered that Catherine was not a femme fatale like she was in Seduce Me At Sunrise and Tempt Me At Twilight.

Catherine was once mentally abused by her evil aunt who owned a brothel business. Being mentally abused made Catherine vulnerable but yet tough, and had a hard time trusting people. Especially men. When Catherine was 15 years old, her Aunt forced her to become a prostitute for Lord Latimer. But Catherine doesn't want to become a prostitute. Thanks to Harry Rutledge, Catherine managed to escape Lord Latimer and her evil aunt. She was then sent to Aberdeen where she learned to become a governess.

After learning about Catherine's past, Leo swore to protect the love of his life. He teamed up with Harry Rutledge to protect Catherine. 

Will Leo be able to protect Catherine? And will she open her heart for him?


My illustration of Leo Hathaway & Catherine Marks (Image: My Artstagram @fmooneira_art)

Overall, I think MBM is a beautiful romance novel.  I like the way Kleypas twists the ‘enemies-to-lovers cliche in this novel. Before MBM, Leo and Catherine were enemies. They liked to quarrel and argue with each other. Kleypas interestingly twists the cliche by portraying Catherine as a different person in MBM and revealing the character's backstory to her readers. This novel has a lot of elements of surprises and unpredictable moments. So it is more than just a romantic novel.

The character Catherine Marks was quite a femme fatale in the Hathaways' second and third book. Catherine was a very tough and fierce woman when she was introduced in the second Hathaway series. Before reading MBM, I can't predict that Catherine had a dark past and she was very vulnerable to it.

Besides Catherine, reading MBM also makes me see a different side of Leo Hathaway. Before MBM, Kleypas already featured Leo in  Mine Till Midnight, Seduce Me At Sunrise, and Tempt Me At Twilight. Leo has always been a childish and selfish man. Seriously, I never like Leo’s character before I read MBM. But Leo also had a sad past. And he overcomes it in MBM. To me, that's wonderful.

In MBM, Kleypas portrays Leo as a very caring, loving, romantic, and protective man. And to be honest, I never like Leo's character before I read MBM. But after reading MBM, I fall in love with Leo. Leo is so sweet in MBM.  I like the way Leo shows his love for Catherine. He loves her dearly with all his heart.

From enemies to lovers. One of Leo and Catherine's romantic scenes in Married By Morning (Image: My Artstgram @fmooneira_art)

I also like the way Kleypas portrays Harry and Catherine's brother and sister's relationship in MBM. In Tempt Me At Twilight, Kleypas already makes Harry a romantic and charming hero. And in MBM, Kleypas portrays Harry as a responsible big brother. Kleypas never fails to make readers fall in love with Harry Rutledge again and again. This makes me fall in love more with Harry’s character.

Besides Harry and Catherine's brother and sister relationship, I also like the way Kleypas portrays Leo and Harry's friendship in this novel. In Tempt Me At Twilight, Leo has always been prejudiced against his brother-in-law. Leo always thought that Harry is not good enough for his sister, Poppy. And in MBM, Leo wants to marry Harry’s sister. So he has to learn more about Harry as well.

Last but not least,  I rate this novel 10/10. I just love it so much and might repeat reading it again one day. I would highly recommend this novel to those who are into the historical romance genre. But I’m also going to be honest here that this novel has five romantic sex scenes. So it is not suitable for those who are under 18. Sorry teenagers ^_^

Ok, so this is my review of Lisa Kleypas' Married By Morning? Has anyone read Married By Morning? If yes, what are your opinions of this novel?

Ok, this is all for now. Thank you for reading. See you guys again in my next post.


Fadima Mooneira ^_^

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  1. I haven't read the book as yet but sounds intriguing. Thanks for the lovely review 💗

  2. such a lovely novel review... reminds me on how long i didn't really sit down and read a good novel... thanks!

  3. This is such a great review. I'm yet to read any of this series but I think I'd really enjoy it, especially with the enemies to lovers theme.

  4. Wow 10 out of 10, that’s extremely high praise! Glad you enjoyed this so much x

    1. Yes, it was a lovely read. And I will read it again one day.

  5. cool novel. TBH first time I heard about Lisa Kleypas as romance novel is not really my favorite. Maybe, next time if I want to try some romance novel for my Kindle, I might try this. Thanks for sharing

  6. This isn't the sort of book I would usually read, but it sounds interesting.

    Great review and thanks for sharing your thoughts on it :)

  7. Great review! This series is right up my alley.

  8. I’ve recently started to read historical romances so this sounds absolutely perfect! Thank you for such a great review ❤️

    1. Auwww..... You’re welcome. I hope you’ll enjoy MBM. I’m now going to venture into Tessa Dare’s novels. Hehehe.

    2. Woww 10/10 ni memang nampak gayanya bwtul2 best untuk di baca. Suka yang from enemies to lovers ... mesti banyak kisah menarik dorang

    3. Yesssssss...... You should read it too.

  9. Oooh this sounds like such an amazing book, I'm definitely going to check this out, I am a sucker for a new read!

    1. Yay!!!!!! I’m sure you are going to like this one.

  10. Such an amazing novel review, thank you so much for sharing! I’ve never really dived into historical romance but I defiantly think I need too. Xo

    Elle -

    1. Yes, why not? Historical romance is one of the best genre. You should not miss out.

  11. I haven’t heard of this book before but it sounds really interesting. I love romance novels so this might actually be suited to me. Thank you for sharing your review and experience.
    Lauren - bournemouthgirl

  12. Ooooo I haven't read anything by this author before. Will have a look as I'm trying to read more than my usual genre at the moment

    1. Yeah..... I’m sure you will fall in love with Lisa Kleypas’ works.

  13. I haven't read this series! I'll need to circle back and start w book 1. Thanks for the recommendation.

  14. Sounds like a really gripping romance -- thanks for sharing!

  15. I'm always looking for new books, I'll have to check out your other posts :)

  16. I'm always looking for new books, I'll have to check out your other posts!

  17. Thank you for your complement. It made my day 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

  18. Wow! Very successful writer ya! Won so many awards and translated to many languages too! Nice one, nak try reading her novel too la!

    1. You go, Nate! 👍👍👍👌👌👌

      Yeah, Kleypas is an award winning author and she’s the queen of historical romance. I want to be just like her ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

  19. what a lovely summarized review of the novel! really enjoy seeing your selection of even some of the lesser known reads and how you make things more interesting with your sketches!

    1. Thank you for your compliment. Yeah, I love to draw fanarts from novels that I’ve read.

  20. This is a fantastic review and the book sounds lovely - thanks for sharing this!

  21. I am more and more intrigued by Kleypas writing, so I have to add this series to my TBR! Really find intriguing the enemy to lover trope that gets twisted and there-some more to it!

    1. Yes, if you are into Lisa Kleypas novels, you must not miss Married By Morning.

  22. Great effort reviewing these novel. I think any story from enemy-to-lover genre is evergreen.

  23. This book sounds amazing. Just like something I would read. I will have to add it to my list. Thank you for sharing.

    1. You’re welcome. Yeah, if you love the romance genre, this one is a must read.


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