Eiyo dearies,

Bonne 2022. Welcome back to Fadima Mooneira. I'm back to share my first post of 2022 with you guys. In today's post, I'm going to re-introduce my blog and share some new exciting things that I'm planning to do on my blog this year. Now let's get started...


Fadima Mooneira is a blog that shares articles related to Lifestyle, Pop-Culture, Edutainment, Travel, and Beauty. This blog is geared towards millennials who are artistic, creative, imaginative, innovative, vibrant,  sassy, trendy, and unique. This blog also supports and promotes Asian people and culture to Western people.

The founder of this blog is me, Fadima Mooneira. I'm a Malaysian millennial blogger, content creator, author, and illustrator. The blog Fadima Mooneira was first founded in 2010. At first, I created this blog as a platform to sell my handmade accessories. But due to my busy schedule, I was not able to keep on track with blogging and designing accessories back then.

In 2019, I returned to the blogging world and started joining some bloggers' communities. I also started networking with like-minded people all around the world.  

In 2020, I rebranded Fadima Mooneira. I first changed my blog's corporate color from pink to purple and yellow. I also created a mascot for my blog and named it Fadneira (the girl in purple and yellow). Besides changing my blog's corporate color and creating a mascot, I also changed my writing style, content, and niches to suit my existing and target readers.


Fadneira was first introduced to readers in January 2020. Back then, this mascot was only known as the Purple-Yellow Girl. The name Fadneira came in the middle of 2021. The name Fadneira is a mixture of Fadima and Mooneira.

When Fadneira was first introduced to readers, this mascot has a different look. Fadneira's eyes were not purple and yellow in color. At that time, both of her eyes were purple in color. 

In 2021, I modified Fadneira's look. I made Fadneira's look more sassy and unique to suit the blog's image. If you guys want to know more about Fadneira, you can view the sidebar of my blog. I shared five interesting facts about Fadneira on my blog's sidebar.

Since you guys already know about this blog and the mascot, now let's check out this blog's niches.



In the lifestyle niche, I share articles related to lifestyle, self-love, and self-care. I also promote Malaysian & Asian lifestyles and culture in this niche to my Western readers.


This niche is a place for me to share my love and compliments to Asian celebrities, music, movies, dramas, animation, and fashion. Pop-culture is my favorite topic to discuss and talk about. I also like reading and doing research on pop-culture. However, I don't write juicy gossips ya. That's so uneducated.


Edutainment is my second favorite topic to discuss and talk about. In the edutainment niche, I share articles related to arts and literature, my monthly art gallery, book reviews, and character analysis. I also help authors to create fandom for the books and characters in this niche. 


Traveling is one of my hobbies. As a traveler, having a travel niche on my blog is super important. In the travel niche, I share articles related to travel, my travel diaries and tips, and hotspot reviews.


The beauty niche was added to this blog in 2021. After writing a review on Mamonde Bubble Face Mask in 2020, I realized that I enjoy writing about beauty. So I decided to have this niche on my blog. In the beauty niche, I share articles related to beauty, beauty tips, my opinions on beauty, and product reviews. Last year, I also started working with some brands on writing beauty product reviews. So this year, I wish to work with more brands on writing beauty product reviews.



Fadima Mooneira Bloggers Interview series will return this year after taking three months hiatus. Insya-Allah, I will post the first interview for 2022 this January. The purpose of this interview is for me to get to know like-minded people and help my fellow bloggers to promote themselves and their awesome work. 

For this year's Bloggers Interview series, I'll be looking for more creative, artistic, innovative, imaginative, and unique participants. For those who are interested to participate, please feel free to email me at garnet.earthtiger@gmail.com or fadimamooneira@yahoo.com. I will email you the instructions and questions. FYI, this Bloggers Interview series will be posted once in two months.


The Fadima Mooneira Art Gallery is a monthly virtual tour that I created to promote my artwork. Every month, I share five of my artworks on this blog. This art gallery virtual tour is conducted like a museum tour with me as the tour guide. 

The Fadima Mooneira Art Gallery is my favorite monthly series on this blog. I started this monthly series last July. And I decided to continue it because sharing my creative work always makes me happy. 


The Book Heartthrob Profile series is a place where I share my analysis of characters from novels that I've read. This series is posted monthly and it started in September 2021. The Book Heartthrob Profile series was suggested by my best friend, Maddie. 

So far, I enjoyed sharing my analysis of characters from novels I've read with my readers. I believe this series is good for me as an author. It makes me think out of the box and study the characters from books I've read deeper.

To make this series more exciting this year, I decided to open the Book Heartthrob Profile to guest writers. It means I will welcome guest writers to share their analysis of characters from novels they've read. For those who are interested to contribute their character analysis, please feel free to read the last advertisement on the Guest Writer's Desk.


This year, I'm welcoming guest writers to share their creative work on my blog. This year's Guest Writer's Desk has four categories- My Malaysia, Awesome Malaysia, You're Beautiful, and Book Heartthrob Profile. Please feel free to read the four advertisements below if you're interested to become a guest writer on my blog. You can choose which categories suit you...


This year, I decided to discontinue the Bookworm Interview series. I decided to replace it with the Book Heartthrob Profile series. 

Therefore, I would like to thank those who have participated and supported the Bookworm Interview series. It was a pleasure conducting it here. I had fun interviewing bookworms from all around the world. But in life, there are some things that must come to an end to start something new ^_^

Ok, this is all for the first post of 2022. I hope you guys are excited about all the exciting things that I will share on this blog this year. Please make sure you guys don't miss out on all the exciting things that will come in 2022.

Last but not least, thank you for reading this post. See you guys again in my next post.


Fadima Mooneira ^_^

#FadimaMooneira2022 #Fadneira #Lifestyle #PopCulture #Edutainment #Travel #Beauty #BliggersInterview #FadimaMooneiraArtGallery #BookHeartthrobProfile #GuestWritersDesk #FadimaMooneiraDotCom




  1. Interesting!! I like the concept of your blog! I am in awe of your ability to manage many niches very systematically. i only have two niches from my blogs but am already quite overwhelmed with them hehehe 😅

    1. Oh... I sometimes get overwhelmed too with my blog, writing, art, and stuff. That's t why it is ok to take a break. One week break is good enough to energize yourself.

  2. This is so impressive. Relatable yet professional. Wishing you the best!

  3. I’m obsessed with your blog and how you’ve managed to grow it! So excited for your journey in 2022 ! Wishing you continued success

  4. I can't wait to see what you bring next. Good luck with everything you have planned. Hope 2022 is a great one for you.

  5. Love all the images in this post! It was great to get to know more about you and your blog. Happy 2022!

    Corinne x

  6. It was so nice to learn more about you and your blog journey, Fadima!! Also love the new colors. You definitely have a lot of things planned for your blog such as the bloggers interview. So exciting! :)

    1. Tq dear. But sometimes I sail without a map. Ideas just comes suddenly.

  7. Thank you for this post, it was lovely to learn a little more about you and who you are behind the blog!

  8. I love the purple and yellow colours you've chosen, they go really well together. And your mascot is beautiful! It was lovely learning a bit more about your blog and the niches you're interested in. Looking forward to more from you in 2022!

    1. Thank you, vourneen. Your comment motivated me to do better 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

  9. I love the concept of your blog for so many different reasons - it's so different to any other blog I've ever seen, and is so colourful - which I love! I'm very excited to see all the things you have planned for 2022!
    All the best xx

    1. Thank you. Your compliment made my day 💜💛💖♥️💕💋🌹🌷

  10. Yay to Fadima Mooneira and Fadneira! We have been fans since we discovered you in 2020 and we cannot wait to see all the beautiful things you will do this year darling lady!

    1. Auwww.... That is so sweet of you girls. I’ve been your fan too since I discover you in 2020. Hope our friendship will continue. And pls keep up the good work yeh.

  11. Loving the illustrations in this post! It's so great to reflect and then see what's to come in the next year. I look forward to seeing future content.

    1. Thank you. I shall make your compliment as a motivation 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

  12. It's always a joy to read what you share and write about -- it seems like 2021 was productive and a way for you to explore your writing. I look forward to seeing what you do in 2022!

    1. Insya-Allah, I will share more good and interesting contents.

  13. I enjoy your blog and I'm excited to read more this year!

  14. Wahh bagusnya dah ada plan utk year 2022. Kak Bell pun harap resolosi 2022 makin berhaya dalam blogging. Good luck ya!

  15. Happy new year 2022 to you & I'm exciting to read more in 2022 of your plan listed now. Happy blogging together gather ya :) cheers Siennylovesdrawing

  16. i suka dengan konsep blog yg diperkenalkan.. nampak fresh dan unik sangat

  17. YOu are so incredibly inspiring! love learning about your amazing plans for 2020 and i cant wait to see all your content this year. have a blessed new year! :)


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