Sawadikap dearies,

Fadima Mooneira is back with a travel post. Hooray! Today, I'm going to share about my Bangkok vacation with you guys. Now let's begin this post with a summary of Bangkok...


Sawadikap ^_^ Me at Dong Mueang International Airport

Bangkok is Thailand's capital city. It is also the most populous city in the country with an estimated population of 10.539 million (15.3 percent of the country's population) Bangkok occupies 1, 568.7 square kilometers of the Choa Praya River in central Thailand. Bangkok is also known as Krung Thep Maha Nakhon. Krung Thep Maha Nakhon is what Thai people call Bangkok. Bangkok is now one of the most touristy cities in Southeast Asia. It is also known as a food and fashion haven.

This vacation is my fourth visit to Bangkok. Bangkok is my favorite destination in Southeast Asia. I love traveling to Bangkok because the city is lovely and the people there are friendly with tourists. The city is also friendly to Muslim tourists.

Okay, so this is my summary of Bangkok. Now let me share some of my traveling photos with you guys. Let the pictures do the talking ^_^


Taadaa!!! Here's a picture of me in front of the Siam Paragon Christmas Tree. Siam Paragon is one of the most popular shopping malls in Bangkok. Siam Paragon is like Pavillion Mall in Kuala Lumpur. Every holiday season, this mall will be decorated with lovely and imaginative Christmas decorations. It's a very Instagrammable mall.


Voila!!! Here's the toy section in Siam Paragon. The toy section is my favorite place in the mall. I know you guys might think this is funny~ an adult is still in love with toys. Hahaha :P But loving toys make me imaginative and creative. That is something I have to admit. Hahaha ^_^ 


Woohoo!!! Check out those monthong durians, guys. They are huge and delicious. Btw, it's durian season in Thailand now. For those who are durian lovers, now is a good time to travel to Thailand ^_^


Me with the happy-go-lucky MBK Christmas Tree. Yep, this holiday season is a time to connect ourselves with loads of joy and happiness. Btw, MBK Center is another famous shopping mall in Bangkok. It's also one of the most visited places in the city. The mall is situated near the National Stadium and BTS Siam Train Station. MBK Center also offers a lot of halal restaurants.


Your Bangkok vacation won't be complete without pad thai. Pad thai is Thai stir-fried rice noodles. It is similar to our kueh tiaw goreng. This delicious pad thai is from Yana Restaurant. Yana is a halal restaurant situated in MBK Center. The restaurant is a must-dine-at for all Muslim travelers. Yana provides its customers delicious halal Thai dishes.


Besides the pad thai, you guys must also try the young coconut shrimp tom yum if you dine at Yana Restaurant. It's one of their signature dishes.


This vacation is not just fun. But it is also very meaningful. I now have a friend in Bangkok. Here's a picture of me and Huda. Huda is one of my galpals. She is now staying and working in Bangkok. Here's a picture of us at Beef Master. Beef Master is a halal restaurant in MBK Center. This restaurant provides its customers halal Western dishes. It is similar to TGIF Fridays and Tony Romas. Besides Yana Restaurant, Beef Master is another restaurant that all Muslim travelers must not miss, especially if you're into beef and stakes. Thank you for the treat, Huda. It was awesome meeting you in Bangkok. Hope to see you again in the future, babe. Seronok dapat lepaskan rindu dekat you ^_^


Sawadikap, Central World! Central World is another famous shopping mall in Bangkok. I went there to shop at Gentlewoman. Gentlewoman is a Thai fast-fashion brand for women. The brand is now hot among Malaysian, Singaporean, and Indonesian tourists. 

PS: The white cap that I wore in this picture is from Gentlewoman. I also got myself a lovely Gentlewoman T-shirt ^_^


Taadaa!!! Here's a picture of me in front of Platinum Fashion Mall. Platinum Fashion Mall is the best place to shop for clothes, shoes, bags, and accessories in Bangkok. At the fashion mall, you guys can shop for stylish stuff at an affordable price. I just updated my wardrobe and brought home some new fashionable dresses from Platinum Fashion Mall. Yay!!!


Check out Bangkok at night, guys! Bangkok is also a city of lights. Bangkok is also a city that never sleeps. I just love cities at nighttime. I love it when all the tall buildings light up. It is so beautiful and makes me happy ^_^


Mahanakhon Cube is Bangkok's new urban lifestyle oasis. It is a good place for duty-free shopping. Besides duty-free shopping, Mahanakhon Cube also provides its visitors with delightful eateries, rejuvenating spas, and HIIT fitness centers. Mahanakhon Cube is situated in Sathorn right within the heart of the city's financial center.


Yeaha!!!!!!!! Check out the gold Christmas tree at ICON Siam. ICON Siam is another famous shopping mall in Bangkok. This mall is very chic. But this mall carries more high-end brands than high-street. Hehehe... I'm sure you know what I mean. My family and I went there for a visit and window shopping only. Most things are expensive here.


Here's a picture of me right in front of the entrance of ICON Siam. This mall is very beautiful. I like the mixture of traditional and modern architecture of this mall. It's lovely!


Among all the malls in Bangkok, Siam Discovery is still my favorite. This mall has the best store design. If you don't believe me, try to visit the mall yourself when you travel to Bangkok. You'll be amazed ^_^


Here's a picture of me and my mom with a Tuk Tuk in front of MBK Center. Your Bangkok vacation won't be complete without a picture with the Tuk Tuk ^_^


Here's another picture of Bangkok at night. Check out the shrines. 


Kap kun kap ^_^ Here's my last picture. This picture was taken before we left the hotel. Bye-bye, Bangkok. See you again in the future. Insya-Allah.

#18 (EXTRA)

Your Bangkok trip won't be complete without a taste of fresh mango smoothies. Yummy! This mango smoothie from Au We White Coffee is sweet-licious and thirst-quenching. I highly recommend you guys try it if you travel to Bangkok. Au We White Coffee is situated on the 4th floor of Terminal Building 2 of Don Mueang International Airport. This little cafe also offers its customers halal food. Their fried chicken is so finger-licking good. You must try it too.

Okay, so these are the pictures from my Bangkok vacation that I selected to share with you guys. Before I end this post, I want to ask my readers two related questions...

1) Have you been to Bangkok?
2) If yes, what are the things that you like about this awesome city?

Thank you for reading this post. Insya-Allah, I'll be back with a review of Mona Awad's Bunny. So don't miss out on my next post. See you guys again ^_^


Fadima Mooneira ^_^

(Authorpreneur, Content Creator, Blogger & Illustrator)

#Bangkok #Thailand #SoutheastAsia #ASEAN #FadimaMooneiraPhotography #FadimaMooneiraTravel #MyTravelDiaries #Travel #FadimaMooneiraDotCom



  1. Sadly, I've never been to Bangkok, or Thailand, maybe one day... Thank you for sharing your trip, Fadima. The food looks lovely, and I quite agree about toys being good for inspiring creativity, you're never too old or adult to enjoy them!

    1. Yay!!! Love your kind words, Lisa. Always <3 <3 <3

  2. You look amazing, it's awesome you got to visit Thailand. It's great countries with cool places.

  3. Yes! ASEAN is a beautiful continent. Of you travel to ASEAN, please travel to Malaysia too. We can meet up.

  4. Great photos! Looks like you had a lovely time. The food looks amazing.

  5. I have never been to Bangkok or even thought of visiting. It reminds me a bit of Times Square here in NYC, but looks a lot more futuristic. The Food Explora in me will mainly visit to explore the food culture. Thanks for sharing your experiences in Bangkok, Fadima.

  6. Beautiful photos Fadima! It looks like you had a wonderful time. I'd love to visit Bangkok one day. Thank you for sharing!

  7. Thanks for sharing your trip to Bangkok, I was there four years when I visited as part of my holiday to Laos and Cambodia, I only went to one of the night markets as I was badly travel sick, so I did not explore as much as you did, I really want to see the floating market, temples and have some of the food that I had on my trip, your post brought back some happy memories for me :)

    Nic | Nic's Adventures

    1. I see... I hope you'll travel to ASEAN again in the future.

  8. Thank you for the fun shopping tour of Bangkok. I have never been there nor have I visited Thailand. It was fun going on the armchair tour with you.

  9. I have never been to Bangkok before, I haven't actually left Europe! It looks and sounds amazing x

    1. Auwww… you should explore Asia in the future. You’ll love Asia.

  10. Loved seeing your colourful and magical photos! I feel like I just went on a trip to Bangkok while reading your post. I never visited but I had colleagues from Thailand - and they are so, so sweat. I love their food and kindness. I'm glad you had a nice time in there and met your friend! Great times indeed. Sending you much love, Vanessa from

    1. You have friends from Thailand? That's lovely! Yeah, Thai people are very friendly.


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