Happy 10 Years Anniversary Boys Over Flowers

Image: korea4dl.com

Boys Over Flowers (BOF) was one of South Korean hit drama that almost all K-drama addicts around the world have watched and loved. BOF is one of my all-time favorite K-drama too. I watched it more than 5 times ;).  BOF is an adaptation from Japanese anime comic -Hana Yori Dango created/written by Yoko Kamio. Besides South Korea's BOF, Hana Yori Dango has inspired many adaptations live-action television dramas across Asia such as Meteor Garden (Taiwan), Hana Yori Dango (Japan), and Boys Over Flowers (China).

BOF tells the love story of a girl from a poor family -Geum Jandi (played by Gu Hye Sun) and a boy from one of the largest conglomerates family - Gu Jun Pyo (played by Lee Min Ho). Both attended the same private school - Shinhwa. In the drama, Jun Pyo has 3 hunky-licious BFFs - Yoon Ji Hu (Kim Hyun Joong), So Ji Yung (Kim Bum), and Song Woo Bin (Kim Joon). Jun Pyo and his friends are known as F4 (flower four boys). The F4 boys are one of the main factors that turned BOF into a hit drama in the Hallyu entertainment.

Image: crunchyroll.com

This year, 2019 BOF celebrates their 10 years anniversary. Wow! I can't believe how fast time flies. BOF has aired 10 years ago but it feels like yesterday.  I was reading kpopmap.com this morning about BOF 10 years anniversary and what would it be if the drama is to be remade. However, I disagree if BOF is to be remade because the drama was awesome the way it was. To me, no actor could replace Gu Hye Sun as Geum Jandi, Lee Min Ho as Gu Jun Pyo, and Kim Joon as Song Woo Bin.

I also did my research on other adaptations of Hana Yori Dango and find out that America has also done their version called Boys Over Friends in 2013. But I am not sure if the drama was a hit. I do believe that it will be awesome if Hollywood makes a remake/adaptation of Boys Over Flowers. I believe these are suitable actors for the Hollywood version of F4.......................

1) Jordan Rodrigues for the role of Gu Jun Pyo

This hunky Australian actor (Latino + Malaysian) has the sexy bad and good boy look. I believe he is suitable for the role of Gu Jun Pyo.

2) Algee Smith for the role of Yoon Ji Hu

I think it will be great to cast the F4 boys' different races or ethnicity since diversity is the trend in Hollywood now. So I think black actor Algee Smith should be Yoon Ji Hu.

3) Remy Hii for the role of So Ji Yung

In the drama, So Yi Jung (Kim Bum) is the artistic one among his F4 buddies and is a skilled potter. I think Spider-Man: Far From Home- Remy Hii is the best actor for the role of So Ji Yung. Plus Remy has the same sweet smile like Kim Bum ^_^

4) Lorenzo Richelmy for the role of Song Woo Bin

Song Woo Bin is the charismatic one among his F4 friends and I think Marco Polo's Lorenzo Richelmy is the most suitable to play Song Woo Bin. Like Kim Joon, Lorenzo is also charismatic and macho. Plus I missed Marco Polo and Prince Jingim's bromance.

Ok'lah, that's all for this post. Everything I wrote is just my opinion as a BOF and F4 fan.


Fadima Mooneira

#BoysOverFlowers #BOF #TenYearAnniversary #KDrama #Hallyu #HanaYoriDango #LeeMinHo #KimHyunJoong #KimBum #KimJoon #Hollywood #JordanRodrigues #AlgeeSmith #RemyHii #LorenzoRichelmy #FanFiction #FadimaMooneiraBlogspot


  1. Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I like the cast that you pick. You should suggest this to any Hollywood film makers. Sure gempaq punya.


  2. Long before boys over flower Korean version there were a Taiwan n Japan version. I like the Taiwan one a lot... The Japan really follow the comic one while others mainly do some changes to the story line

    1. Meteor Garden pun I suka juga. Jerry Yan is a dream boat 😍😍😍

  3. seriously, have no idea about this kdrama. but, done amik tajuk nyer. cuti skola nanti maybe menjadi one of the tontonan for my girls. search and utk diorang tonton back to back :)
    i myself ok ok la if jalan cerita nyer aman damai. tak kira la, kdrama ke, japan, china,... but, tak sempat nak tgk pun.
    tq for sharing.

  4. This is one of my MOST FAVOURITE kdrama masa zaman sekolah menengah dulu 😂😂😂 omg 10 years ago dah berlalu

    1. My all-time favourite too. Tu la....... cepat sahaja masa berlalu. Kita pun x tersedar............

  5. Someone used to recommend me to watch this drama tapi tak pernah pula nak tengok. Tapi lepas tahu ada Lee min ho, I want to download now!! <3

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I see........ you must be an Lee Min Ho fan.............

  6. congrats for 10 years anniversary! this drama is actually among the first kdrama that i binge watch! until now still my favorite drama , even though i think the original version is slightly better. :) thanks for sharing ya

  7. This is one of my favorite! I still remember watching this with my sisters and start to fan-girling the actors, haha. Nowadays got no time to watch Korean drama anymore. I missed the old days where i got lots of free time.

    1. Kan! Saya pun x sempat nak follow sumer nowadays. Btw, who’s your favourite F4? Hehehe......... if you don’t mind telling me.

  8. Honestly last Ruby layan drama korean ni zaman sekolah menengah dulu. Sebab kawan kawan suka. So terjebak sekali lah. Hehe.

    Tahniah. Dah 10 tahun 😊

  9. drama korea, BOF ni paling best dulu tengok dengan ibu. Semangat siap beli cd lagi, ratus ratus sanggup beli. hhahahahah. SEkarang korea tengok dekat netflix and viu je.

  10. Da lama nad xtengok cerita korea nie..last tengok masa zaman sekolah..meteor garden..tue pun sebab kawan ajak tengok..mula2 xlayan jugak tapi lama2 best..😊

  11. Fuhh. Tahu korea ni dengan runningman saja. Banyak rupanya nama2 lain yang tak kenal. Wife minat giler drama2 kpop ni. Haha

  12. Bab Artis Korea ini, Naim sejujurnya tidak mengikuti 100% , hanya mengetahui beberapa sahaja seperti komen di atas ini. hehe

  13. suka tengok cerita nih , and cerita ni buat saya teringat cerita meteor garden yg taiwan punya...apapun semuanya memang best sebab hiburan ringan ...

  14. 10 tahun dah ye. Sekejap je masa. Masa layan BOF ni masa baru masuk universiti dulu. Haha nampak sangat dah tua dah diri ni. Sekarang ni dah tak layan dah kdrama sebab tak de masa huhu

  15. Alamak
    My fav series ever. I rasa cerita ni plg lama i nak move on. Best giler. I siap beli cd cerita ni tau. Ori seratus lebih harga dia hehe

  16. I x prnh dengar pasal Boys Over Flowers but you have watched it 5 times! haha. looks like a good, touching story. thanks for sharing, gonna start downloading it now :P

  17. coool, gonna watch it later. i love kdrama

  18. Happy 10 years anniversary..lama dah ye..nad tak ambil tau pun pasl kpop ni semua..cuma tengok running man je..hehee..kalau lagu cuma dengar yang sellau orang pasang dekat radio..tu pun dengr lagu tak pernh ambil tau pasl artis tu..

  19. wah dah 10 tahun ye...dulu mula keluar gigih download setiap episod kat dewan kuliah..haha

  20. Kejap je dah 10 tahun nyer. Lama dah drama ni dulu famous gila Kpos drma series BOF ni.


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