Eiyo dearies,

Welcome back to Fadima Mooneira. It's the middle of February now. How are you guys doing? I hope Febulove is treating you well ^_^ I'm grateful that I'm having another productive month. Syukur alhamdulillah, everything is at ease for me so far. I'm quite busy working on my second novel now. So please, wish me luck and pray everything will be good for me. I'll pray the same for you guys too.

For today's FM Febulove special, I'm going to share the five reasons for me to write in the romance genre. Yep, today's post is about me as a romance author. Now let's begin this post with a background of me and the romance genre...


My fan art of Harry Rutledge and Poppy Hathaway~ the two romantic characters created by Lisa Kleypas for one of her bestselling novels, Tempt Me At Twilight (Image: My Artstagram @fmooneira_art)

I begin my reading hobby at the age of 11. Novels by R.L. Stine were my favorite read at that time. Yep, I begin my reading hobby with YA horror novels. And it's funny that horror is the only genre I don't read now. My spookiness level becomes low as I age. I had trouble sleeping at night. So the doctor told me to stay away from horror stories and stuff. Oh, so sad :P 

Romance was never my favorite genre when I first started reading. I only read romance novels written by Jane Austen and the Sweet Valley series by Francine Pascal. When I was in high school, J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter came onto the scene. And I got addicted to Harry Potter. So fantasy became my no.1 favorite genre during my teenage years. Besides, the Harry Potter series, I also love J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord Of The Rings, C.S. Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia, and Christopher Paolini's Eragon series. I continued reading fantasy books till I graduated from college.

One of my all-time favorite romance novels ~ Dheo's by Anjell

After graduating from college, I started reading some romance novels. Romantic novels written by Nicholas Sparks fascinated me. But at that time, I could not read as many books as I wanted. I was too busy with work. My busy schedule made me not able to enjoy my reading hobby that much. I only managed to read 1-3 books a year. And because of that, I was not sure what genre was my favorite. Oh, that was so sad :'( 

In 2019, I started my reading hobby again with the spy thriller genre. But the spy thriller genre did not last long as my favorite. When the world was having a stressful moment in 2020, I decided to enjoy my stay-at-home vacation by reading feel-good romance novels. Romance novels by Lisa Kleypas, Anjell, and Norah Roberts swooned my heart. And this is how I became an avid romance reader. But I still read books of other genres.

Me and my first novel, Fail Merah (Red File) ^_^

During the same year, I decided to write my own swoon-worthy romance novel. And this is where my journey in writing Fail Merah (my first novel) begins. Fail Merah belongs in the new adult romance genre. It's a Hamlet reverse story about a young man named Emil Muhayat who wants to avenge his father's death badly. But on his journey, he meets a kind-hearted beauty named Dahlia Jamilah. Dahlia makes Emil believe in love and kindness again. But their happiness did not last long. Someone reveals to Emil the truth about Dahlia's father. So is Emil going to sacrifice his love for Dahlia just because of revenge? Will Emil be able to learn how to love? If you're interested in Fail Merah, you can purchase it via Book Capital or SM Books & Collectibles.

Okay, so this is all about me and the romance genre. Reading and writing in the romance genre does not just give me joy. But it also taught me a lot about love and myself. It makes me realize my dreams. Now let me share the five reasons for me to write in this genre...

One of my favorite romantic quotes from one of my favorite rom-com movies, Notting Hill ^_^


Romance is a fun genre to write in even though it's challenging. Writing romantic stories and creating swoon-worthy characters makes me happy and believe in beautiful things. Plus, it heals me.


Romance is also a creative genre just like fantasy is also a romantic genre. Writing romantic stories allows me to be innovative, imaginative, and creative. Besides creating lovable characters, I can also create my own universe and fictional places for my stories.

World-building is not just for fantasy authors. Romance authors can also create their own universe. Romance authors like Lisa Kleypas, Anjell, Elvroseth, and Ana Huang captured readers' attention by creating their own universe. World-building makes a romance story more enjoyable to read. Plus, it helps romance authors to build their fandom.

Over-flowery titles are not a must for all romance authors. In fact, titles that are not over-flowery intrigued readers more. Roses and chocolates are also not a must for all romance authors. Romance authors can use anything (and make it romantic) as a romance element.

I don't know who quoted this. I found this quote on Instagram two months ago and love it a lot. It's true... Mr. Right does not need a map to sail to your heart. Allah SWT will guide him the right way to your heart ^_^


As mentioned by one of my mentors, when you want to write something, choose something that you want to know. Not something that you already know. As a hopeless romantic girl, romance fascinates me. I always want to know what's it like to be in love and what it's like to have someone special by my side. I know most romance authors write their stories based on their experiences. But not for me. My stories are inspired by my dreams and imagination.


Writing in the romance genre gives me new knowledge about love. The word perfect does not exist in love. Love is not about being with someone perfect. Love is about being with someone who is willing and always ready to face the storms with you. That's because love comes with challenges and responsibilities. Writing love stories makes me believe that love is an adventure two people share together till Jannah. "Love Is An Adventure" is the tagline of my stories. 


So far, my writing journey has made me discover myself- my love language, ideal type, what I want in a relationship, etc. Writing romance fiction also helps me recover from philophobia. Insya-Allah, I will be fully recovered this year. It's one of my 2024 goals after all. Last but not least, my love for the romance genre makes me realize my dream to become an author. I actually had this dream since I was 11 years old. But I only realized it now. And I'm totally grateful for this discovery. Syukur alhamdulillah. I'm now working on my dreams ^_^

Okay, so these are the five reasons for me to write in the romance genre. Before I end this post, let me ask my readers two questions...

If you were a writer, what genre would you write in? And why?

Alright, this is all for now. Thank you for reading this post. I'll see you guys again in my next post.  Insya-Allah, my upcoming post will be a review of a novel I finished reading last week. So don't miss out. Take care.


Fadima Mooneira ^_^

(Authorpreneur, Content Creator, Blogger & Illustrator)

#FiveReasonsForMeToWriteInTheRomanceGenre #TheRomanceGenre #FebuloveSpecial #MyWritingJourney #MyWritersLife #SwoonWorthy #Edutainment #Lifestyle #FadimaMooneiraDotCom




  1. If I was a writer, I'd write in the romance genre also!

    Lucy Mary

    1. Awesome! I know you like romantic stuff too, Lucy. Hehehe ^_^

  2. I would write romance or mystery. I used to write short mystery stories for my writing classes.

    1. Oh wow!!! That's cool! Why not write romance and mystery rolled into one. That will be totally awesome.

  3. These are all really great reasons to write romance, and I can see why you lean towards it. I am not sure what genre I would write in (apart from poetry), but I think I would probably enjoy mystery, thriller or things like that!

    1. Mystery and thriller… that’s so you. And you’re a talented poet.

  4. Great post. If I was writing it would be a comedy drama. I wrote a manuscript many years ago along those lines that had a bit of romance in it too. I'll redraft it one day!

  5. Wish you best of luck on your new novel, this is interesting post and reasons. Also, glad things working out for you.

  6. Sounds like you have had a passion for this genre for a long time, and it is so great that you have so many reasons to write in this genre. The fact that you love it, find it fun and can be creative is amazing! Keep doing what you're doing! I'll also check out your novel, I love fantasy and have recently started to get into the romance ones too which I never thought I would enjoy! x

    1. Fantasy and romance have the same vibes. That's why they can become romantasy 😉😍🥰

  7. I think it's so great that you know exactly what genre you like! I think it would be fun to write a mystery/thriller, but nothing too gory. Whenever I read a Sally Hepworth novel, I find myself thinking that her type of books would be fun to read. They are sort of a mix between women's fiction combined with a mystery/thriller. But I think historical fiction would be fun, too.

    1. Ohh… I love historical fiction. This is the first time I heard of Sally Hepworth. Thank you for sharing about her.

  8. I used to hate romance books but over the last few years I've come to enjoy them quite a bit. I'm glad to hear you found the genre that works well for you as a writer and that you enjoy crafting romance stories.

    1. Romance was never my favorite genre back in high school and college. But when I started reading a romance novel, it makes me want to read more novels of that genre.

  9. I’m not sure I could write a novel myself but I do like reading romance novels, although I don’t like romance movies x

  10. Awesome journey of self-discovery and great quotes..

  11. Wishing you best of luck on your new novel. I’m sure it will be an interesting read. I love romance too

    1. Thanx, Rayo. You’re the best 😍🥰💜💛💕

  12. Great post Fadima! If I was writing, I would probably choose the fantasy or mystery genre.

    1. That will be awesome 👍👍👍👍👍👍 I love reading fantasy and mystery too.

  13. Terbaiklah! Tahniah untuk novel yang pertama. Untuk saya, mungkin genre romance ini bukan pilihan saya, saya lebih kepada thriller dan seram. :)

    1. Wow... it's awesome kalo dpt baca novel thriller daripada you nanti, Aerill ^_^

  14. Your passion for writing in this genre is inspiring! It's wonderful that you're so dedicated and creative in your craft. Keep up the great work!

  15. I guess it is true romance genre is simpler than horror where you need to be creative and logical with the story right?

    1. Simpler? Ramai org berpendapat macam tu. Tapi I rasa x. Sebab romance is a creative genre. Cerita2 romance selalunya punya mesej yang lebih mendalam dpd horror, thriller, dan bagai. Nak tulis novel romance kena ada jiwa. Sebab tu romance novel kebanyakkannya lebih tebal daripada novel horror. Ini pendapat I lah.

  16. i love your wrting journey, really inspired. tq for sharing

  17. Tahniah Mooneira! Akak bangga dengan pencapaian sampai menerbitkan novel. Teruskan menulis!

    1. Insya-Allah. Aamiin. Will do, Puan Ruby. Gambateh me! ^_^

  18. Congrats sis, been following your blog and progress for long time. Keep doing what you are passional about.


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