Eiyo dearies,

Welcome back to Fadima Mooneira. How are you guys doing? I hope you guys are doing good. Today, I'm going to share a review of a swoon-worthy novel I finished reading two weeks ago. The novel is titled Hikayat Allerednic and it is written by Elvroseth. Since Hikayat Allerednic is a swooning romance novel, I'm going to make this review part of my Febulove special. Now let's begin this review with Elvroseth's bio...


Elvroseth was born in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. She's a Malaysian new adult romance novelist and one of the queens in the genre now. Most of her romantic stories have dark vibes sprinkled in. 'Sweet and Strange' is the theme of her stories. If you're a fan of Ana Huang and Lauren Asher, you are going to like Elvroseth as well. And if you guys are interested in Elvroseth's work, you can visit her blog >> Beauty Dungeons Tales or her Instagram @elvrosethrone

PS: The author does not share much information and pictures of her on the net.


Hikayat Allerednic (HA) is a Cinderella reverse love story. The name Cinderella if you spell it backward becomes Allerednic. HA is not a sweet Cinderella fairytale. It's a dark romantic story about a Cinderella who is desperate for revenge. Besides romance and Cinderella reverse, HA also includes some harem reverse, psychological horror, thriller, and action sprinkled in. This story carries the second chance and forbidden love tropes.

HA follows a beautiful girl named Qurratun Nafella and a morally grey hero named Luqman Al-Fareel. Nafella is unlucky. She is physically and mentally abused by her gold-digging stepmother, Madame Maria. Right after her 18th birthday, Nafella is forced to marry her stepbrother, Luqman. Nafella and Luqman have no choice. They have to obey Madame Maria's wishes. But Luqman secretly has romantic feelings for Nafella. And that's how their love story begins.

Luqman is six years older than Nafella. He is spoiled and nasty. But deep down, Luqman is a very loving, romantic, and sentimental guy. He loves Nafella dearly with all his heart. And vows to protect her at all costs even though it's hard for him. Luqman has to choose between his mother and the woman that he loves.

My fan art of Luqman and Nafella (Image: My Artstagram @fmooneira_art)

As years pass by, Luqman and Nafella's feelings toward each other grow stronger. And so does Madame Maria's hatred for Nafella. When Madame Maria finds out that her son is in love with Nafella, the wicked old woman tortures the poor girl badly and terribly. She even kills Luqman and Nafella's daughter, Nur Najjah with black magic. Oh dear! That's evil!

Nafella finally decides she had enough. The wounded girl leaves her house. Nafella also asks Luqman to divorce her right after she gives birth to their second daughter, Qurratun Najjah. Luqman loves Nafella dearly and he knows she has suffered a lot. So Luqman gives Nafella the freedom that she wants even though it breaks his heart.

A snippet from Hikayat Allerednic

Four years later, Luqman meets Nafella again. Luqman is now a different man. He's no longer the scoundrel he used to be. And so is Nafella. Nafella is no longer a damsel in distress. She's now a beta female. Wow!!! Outside, Nafella may look strong. But inside, she is full of hatred and revenge. Oh, that's not good!

Luqman still has feelings for Nafella. She's his forever Cinderella. He vows to pursue her again even though she rejects him a thousand times. So... can Luqman win Nafella back? Can Luqman make Nafella remember the person she was before she became an Allerednic? And will Nafella learn to love again?


First of all, I describe this Cinderella reverse romance as swooningly awesome! Everything about this novel is swooning! Everything about this novel is awesome!

I like the Cinderella reverse theme of this story. The way Elvroseth blends her romance with some psychological horror, thriller, and action elements makes HA sound as if it is based on a true story. Elvroseth also blends her knowledge of pop-culture and mental health well in HA.

The characters in HA are all morally grey and make-believe people. All of them have backstories and struggles. At the beginning of the story, I really hated Madame Maria's character. She was so bloody evil. But when the author reveals Madame Maria's backstory, I can't hate the character any longer. However, I'm glad that the author changed the character from bad to good. It's true... people can always change. 

My favorite character in HA is Luqman Al-Fareel. He begins as a nuisance character. But as the plot evolves, Luqman transforms into a swoon-worthy hero. He becomes mature, responsible, romantic, loving, and protective. Oh, how I wish this guy was real. Hehehe ^_^

My mini fan cast for Hikayat Allerednic. From left: Songkang as Luqman, Anna Jobling as Nafella, Hun Haqeem as Shah, Meerqeen as Adam, and Seol-Hyun AOA as Leyna (Luqman's evil fiancee)

Overall, I rate this novel 10/10. I highly recommend this novel to my fellow bookworms who are into the new adult romance genre. Trust me, guys, HA is a must-not-miss novel. And if you're into romance stories with swooning romance scenes, this novel is definitely for you. All romance scenes in HA will definitely melt your heart. Wow! Super wow!

Besides the story, this novel also has a very beautiful cover design. I believe it's the most beautiful cover I've ever seen. Thumbs up to the graphic designer. Yay! ^_^ I like the blue vibes in it. The image of a woman in a blue dress surrounded by butterflies is so beautiful. It makes the cover look dreamy. I almost thought HA is a romantasy story. Hehehe :P Btw, the blue-colored butterfly/morpho menelaus is used as a romance element in this story.

However, I do believe that HA is not suitable for those who are under 15 years old. This story has some mild romance and violent bloody scenes in it. So to teenagers who are under 15, please ask your parent's permission first ya ^_^

Okay, so this is my review of Elvroseth's Hikayat Allerednic. Hikayat Allerednic is the first novel by Elvroseth I've read. Reading the novel makes me fall in love with Elvroseth's work. Yep, I'm now a new member of Elvroseth fandom and looking forward to checking out her other work. So is anyone here a fan of Elvroseth?  If yes, can you recommend me some of her work? Thank you in advance. 

Okay, this is all for now. Thank you for reading this post. I'll see you guys again in my next post. Insya-Allah. Bonne weekend ^_^


Fadima Mooneira ^_^

(Authorpreneur, Content Creator, Blogger & Illustrator)

#HikayatAllerednic #Elvroseth #NewAdultRomance #DarkRomance #SwoonWorthyRomance #PageTurningRomance #CinderellaReverse #RomanceNovel #NovelReview #BookReview #FadimaMooneirasLibrary #Edutainment #FadimaMooneiraDotCom




  1. This book definitely has me intrigued, especially as you desrcibed it as a Cinderella love story in reverse! x

    Lucy Mary

  2. This is quite different from the fairytales I heard as a child. I think this reverse story is more exciting.

    1. I second that. Reverse stories has different point of view.

  3. I love your fan art! This sounds like a wonderful story. Thanks for sharing!

  4. This is interesting, about Cinderella reverse love story. Now, this would be good read. I would love to check it. Great review!

  5. I really like how this re-imagines the Cinderalla tale, and it sounds like it's a really interesting read. Thanks for sharing!

  6. It's always great when I book makes you want to explore more books by an author!

    Corinne x

    1. Yep, it means you fall in love with the author's work.

  7. Wow… I was glued from the beginning. I love the storyline. Never thought there will ever be a reverse Cinderella story. Love it.

    1. Yep, it’s different from all the retellings 🦋🦋🦋

  8. Crikey it sounds like a major mix up of genres. Interesting concept switching the Cinderella story round.

    1. Yep, even though Hikayat Allerednic is generally a romance story it still have some action, thirller, and phycological horror sprinkled in. Elvroseth is a creative genius. She blends all things well in her story.

  9. sskali sekala baca buku mcm ni best juga... takdelah bosan asyik baca buku genre sama

  10. Thanks for sharing about it this lovely novel. Personally I git attracted with its novel cover if I'm looking at it at bookstore or library :) Gonna grab for a read. Love your illustration done with the blue butterfly. Cheers SiennyLovesDrawing

    1. Yes, the cover is very beautiful and tempting. One of the reasons why bought this book. Hehehe.

  11. Thank you for your compliment on my fan art. Hope you'll enjoy this book as much as I did.


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