Eiyo Fadneiras,

Welcome back to Fadima Mooneira. Today, I'm going to share my review of Lisa Kleypas' Devil In Disguise with you guys. Now let's begin with Lisa Kleypas' bio...


Lisa Kleypas ~ She's a beauty with brains author ^_^ (Image:

Lisa Kleypas was born in Temple, Texas on the 5th of November 1964. Kleypas is an A-List historical and contemporary romance author. She's one of my favorite authors and idol. She is also known as the brains and beauty in the bookish and creative writing industry.

Kleypas has a Bachelor's Degree in Political Science from Wellesley College. Kleypas was also named Miss Massachusetts in the 1985 Miss America competition. Kleypas published her first romance novel right after she graduated from college. Most of her novels are listed as bestsellers, and 19 have won the RITA Award (The Romance Writer of America Award). Most of Kleypas novels have been translated into 20 different languages. Kleypas now lives in Washington with her husband and two children.


Devil In Disguise (DID) belongs in the adult and historical romance genre. DID is Kleypas' latest novel. DID was published in 2021 and it is the seventh book in the Ravenels series.

DID was set in London during the late Victorian era (1880). The story followed around a dazzling widow named Lady Merritt Sterling. Her husband died during a shipwreck. Lady Merritt ran her late husband's shipping business with her youngest brother, Luke.

Lady Merritt was also a fine woman in the London society. She was clean and had never been in a juicy scandal. She was the eldest daughter of Lord Westcliff and Lady Lillian. Lord  Westcliff and Lady Lillian are the two main characters in It Happened One Autumn (one of Kleypas' historical romance novels/ second book in the Wallflowers series).

My illustration of Lady Merritt Sterling (Image: My Artstagram @fmooneira_art)

At the beginning of the story, Lady Merritt met Keir MacRae, a Scottish whisky distiller who wanted to use Sterling's shipping service for his whiskey business. Besides his whisky business, Keir had two other motives. First, he doesn't want to fall in love with Lady Merritt, and second, he wants to avoid being killed. So far, neither of those was going well for Keir.

Keir and Merritt fell in love at first sight, even though Keir doesn't want to admit it. Keir was brutally attacked in the middle of the story. Someone wanted to kill him. But why? Even Keir doesn't know why someone wanted him dead. Keir also doesn't know his real background. He only knew that he was an adopted child to the MacRae family. Keir doesn't know who his real parents was.

When Keir was injured, Merritt was visited by Ethan Ransom. Ethan was a detective-turn-spy. He was also the male protagonist in Hello Stranger ~ one of Kleypas' historical romance novels and the fourth book in the Ravenels series. Ethan wanted to investigate Keir's attack. Merritt was shocked and scared. Merritt doesn't want Ethan to find out that she and Keir were having an affair. But she was also curious and wanted to know who attacked Keir?  And why did that person attack the love of her life?

At the same time, Merritt's father's best friend, the Duke of Kingston a.k.a Sebastian/Lord Vincent (the male protagonist in Devil in Winter. He's Kleypas most famous hero ^_^) came into the scene. He was also looking for Keir. Merritt was more shocked. Why was the duke looking for Keir? What was Keir's relation with the Duke of Kingston? How long have they known each other? Who was Keir MacRae actually? 


The novel, Devil in Disguise. The cover is very beautiful. But it has a lot of mysteries in it.

Devil in Disguise (DID) is a very cool historical romance novel. The story has a very intriguing plot. The intriguing plot makes this novel a page-turner. It makes you want to know Keir MacRae's mysterious identity and background. And the answer will surprise you ^_^

DID is not a romance novel with a flowery romantic vibe. This novel also includes mystery in it. Now, I know why Kleypas doesn't feature Keir's face on the novel's cover. Kleypas wants to surprise her readers.

Besides the mystery, this novel is also packed with some action and fighting scenes. Lady Merritt is not just a pretty face female protagonist. She's a femme fatale and a badass heroine. She's definitely not a damsel in distress. But Keir is a dude in distress. Hehehe :P. Lady Merritt knows how to fight, protect herself and the man that she loves. She's also an ace at shooting. Wow... what a woman!

My illustration of Lady Merritt Sterling & Keir MacRae (Image: My Artstagram @fmooneira_art)

I also like the way Kleypas writes this story and plays along with her characters. DID is like a reunion novel to some of Kleypas' past characters. Kleypas includes and gives roles to some of her old characters in DID. Especially Lord Vincent and Ethan Ransom. I believe it's cool and brilliant. Reading DID makes me curious about Lord Vincent's character, and it makes me want to read Devil in Winter and the whole devil series (Devil in Spring and Devil's Daughter). Reading DID also makes me want to read Hello Stranger. I now have a crush on Ethan Ransom's character. Hehehe ^_^

Overall, I rate this novel 10/10. I highly recommend this novel to my fellow bookworms who are into the historical romance genre. This novel is a must-not-miss, guys. Trust me, guys, you will love Devil In Disguise. However, I need to be frank that there are five romantic lovemaking scenes in Devil In Disguise. So this novel is not suitable for those who are under 18. Sorry teenagers, you need to be 18 above to read Devil In Disguise.

Ok, so this is my review of Devil In Disguise by Lisa Kleypas. Has anyone read Devil In Disguise? If yes, what are your opinions of this novel? Did you guys like Keir MacRae's character and find him attractive? Heheheh ^_^ Please share your opinions with me in the comment box below.

Ok, this is all for now. Thank you for reading this review. Hope you enjoyed it. I'll see you again in my next post. Take care.


Fadima Mooneira ^_^

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  1. A dude in distress, huh? Sounds interesting!!! 😂😂😂 Can't wait to read this book!! But I sure will start from the first Ravenels book, Cold-Hearted Rake 😍😍😍

    1. Yeah, Keir is the male version of Hazel, and Merritt is the female version on Hilman. Hehehe..... Dr. Alpha Male lah pula.

      Yeah, me pun excited and interested to read all books in Ravenels series. Especially the fourth one 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

  2. I don't know the author but you had me at "SCottish whiksy distiller"! Glad to hear the female lead has a strong personality, this sounds like a great read :)

    1. Yeah, it was. Yeah, Merritt is a role model. She’s an alpha woman.

  3. I love getting a bit of insight into an author, and I've never heard of this one so I will check out her work x

  4. I am so intrigued by this story; sounds perfect to read when it's cold outside (which it is here, we have snow again). Thanks for the review and your artwork!

  5. Rita Kleypas, I have previously read 2 of her books.
    This new one is garnering attention. I like the cover, a leading female and little rough around the edges, Scotsman

    1. Auwww.... Glad you’re familiar with Lisa Kleypas’ work.

  6. I haven't read anything from this author before but the story seems really interesting and something i would have a great time while reading it. I may give it a chance!
    Also, i loved your art!

  7. Great review, sounds like an intriguing read! Lovely cover, too.

  8. Interesting story, it's good to read historical romance. I would love to check this novel. Thank you for the amazing review!

    1. Yes, you can learn a lot of things from reading historical fiction.

  9. Sounds like a good one! Will definitely check this out

  10. I cuba pahamkan, baca satu-satu berkenaan buku ni. Kisah cinta ya,.hehee. Bagus you, baca buku cerita macam ni

  11. Cantiknya cover dia - looks like a running Cinderella pula kan. DID spells interesting to me - perhaps I will give this one a read soon

    1. I believe you’re going to enjoy it. And I believe you’re going to like Lady Merritt streRling.

  12. have not read this yet nor heard about the author.. i love reading your book reviews, thanks for sharing..

  13. I've your illustrations shared here. Thanks for sharing your review of this lovely book, absolutely gonna be a good read for sure , gonna check it out. Cheers Siennylovesdrawing

  14. Wow, the book cover looks really amazing. Thank you for the review and very interesting sharing

    1. Yeah, I believe it is the. Ost beautiful book cover I ever seen.

  15. Great review. I will add this to my reading list as it looks very interesting!

  16. This book sounds so interesting! I've never heard of the author before but it sounds like she writes things I will really like! thank you so much for the reccomendation!

    1. Yeah, i’m sure you’re going to enjoy this book. Happy reading.

  17. Yesssssssss 💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪

  18. I know that Kleypas is the queen of historical romance, but since that genre isn't my typical first choice, I have yet to read any of her books. But I'm not surprised that you enjoyed this thoroughly, as I've seen you rave about her books in other posts before! I'm glad you liked it so much!

    1. Yeah, I’m a big fan of Lisa Kleypas. And I look up to her as my idol.

  19. pertama kali dengar pasal novel ni, boleh la try baca lepas ni. thanks utk suggestion.

  20. Sound so mysterious kan the story line.. excited at the same time to find out what actually happened... perfect 10 bah, confirm best ni..

  21. i suka cerita yang macam agak2 misteri.. mcm biasa ilustrasi memang sangat cantik.. i like

  22. I haven't heard of this book before & I don't really read historical romance, but I'm intrigued! I also love that Lady Merritt is a badass & not a damsel in distress.

  23. Oh I love historical fiction! Will definitely be adding this to my TBR list!

  24. It sounds like you really enjoyed reading this, what a lovely review! Thanks for sharing.

    1. You’re welcome. Yeah, I always enjoy Lisa Kleypas novels.

  25. I belum lg baca Devil In Disguise tapi bila baca review you menarik jua

  26. I haven't read Devil In Disguise but it sounds like something I would enjoy. Great review, thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  27. lovely revıew, ı love ıt! wıll defınıtely read ıt xx penny / www.whatdı

  28. I've never heard of this series but it sounds like a read i'd enjoy! Thank you for sharing!

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Congratulations on finally publishing your Novel. Your hard work have paid off. Thank you for taking us on your journey


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