Eiyo Fadneiras,

Welcome back to Fadima Mooneira. In my previous post, I already promised that I will share my review of a historical romance novel that I just finished reading with you guys. So here I am today ^_^ The novel is titled A Lady By Midnight, and it is written by Tessa Dare. Now let's check out Tessa Dare's bio...


The pretty novelist and librarian~ Tessa Dare (Image:

Tessa Dare is an American novelist. She writes historical romance novels that are set in the English Regency era. She is listed as one of the New York Times and USA Today Bestselling authors. As a novelist, Dare has won numerous writing awards such as RITA (Romance Writers Of America), and the RT Book Reviews Seal of Excellence. 

Dare was named "the new star of historical romance" by Booklist Magazine after her debut. Most of her novels have been translated into a dozen different languages. Besides being an author, Dare is also a librarian and a book lover. She now lives in California with her husband, two children, and cats (Dare is a cat person ^_^).


Kate Taylor (the protagonist) had never been kissed. And Kate believed that she will be never be kissed. All because of the birthmark on her cheek. Kate also never knew her real background. She doesn't know where she was from, who her real parents were, and she doesn't even know her birth date. 

Most of the townspeople believed Kate was a cursed child because of her birthmark. And Kate was not happy with it. It also made Kate believe that the birthmark was a jinx to her.

My illustration of Kate Taylor (Image: My Artstagram @fmooneira_art)

In chapter two, Kate almost had an accident. But luckily she was saved by Corporal Samuel Thorne (the love interest). Later, Corporal Thorne escorted Kate back to her hometown, Spindle Cove. On their way to Spindle Cove, Kate received her first kiss. Kate was surprised. The kiss was from Corporal Thorne. The kiss was hot and sensual. It was a kiss that innocent Kate will never forget. The kiss also made Kate feel beautiful for the first time.

Kate wondered, why did Corporal Thorne kiss her so passionately? Does he have feelings for her? But Corporal Thorne remained cold and silent. 

I believe this novel has the most lustful-looking cover. Hehehe ^_^

Corporal Samuel Thorne was a handsome and charming militia commander. But he was also a cold-hearted rake who doesn't intend to love anyone. Corporal Thorne was also Kate's childhood friend. They grew up in the same house. He remembered her. But she doesn't remember him. Thorne devoted his life to guarding Kate's happiness, and he wanted what was best for her. But at the same time, he was also hiding a secret from her. The secret had something to do with Kate's past and background? Who was Kate Taylor actually? And who was Corporal Thorne in Kate's past?

In chapter four, mysterious strangers came to Spindle Cove to search for Kate. They claimed that Kate was their long-lost family member. Corporal Thorne step forward and introduced himself as Kate's fiancee to the strangers. Everyone was surprised, including Kate? Why did Corporal Thorne claim himself as Kate's fiancee? Who were the strangers actually? Was Kate really their long-lost family member? And were they good and sincere people? 


My illustration of Kate & Corporal Thorne's lovemaking scene in chapter 19 ^_^ (Image: My Artstagram @fmooneira_art)

A Lady By Midnight (ALBM) is the first Tessa Dare novel that I read. In my opinion, ALBM is more than just a romance novel. This novel has a lot of mystery in it. ALBM has a very intriguing plot. This novel is a page-turner indeed. Every chapter in this novel gives me thrills. It makes me want to know what happens next, Kate Taylor's real background, and who is Corporal Thorne in Kate's childhood.

Besides the intriguing plot, I also like the chemistry tension between Kate and Corporal Thorne. Dare's writing makes me want to know Kate and Corporal Thorne's ending. Will the couples end up together? Will they have a happy ending? Kate is a very daring and expressive woman. She is not afraid to express her feelings to Corporal Thorne. But Corporal Thorne is cold and stubborn. He is not the kind of hero who will easily express his love to his heroine. Corporal Thorne's stubbornness makes me want to kick him in the ass.  Gosh! Why can't he be easy to Kate?

Kate & Corporal Thorne's love confession ^_^ (Image: My Artstagram @fmooneira_art)

Overall, I rate this novel 8/10. ALBM was a good read for me. I really enjoyed reading this novel. Plus, it was a fast read. I highly recommend this novel to fellow bookworms who are into the historical romance genre. But to be honest, this novel has a lot of sexy and erotic romance scenes. In fact, I believe ALBM is the sexist romance novel I ever read. Plus, the cover says so ;) So this novel is not suitable for teenagers under 18.

Ok, so this is my review of A Lady By Midnight by Tessa Dare. So has anyone read A Lady By Midnight or any of Tessa Dare's novels? If yes, what are your opinions of Tessa Dare's writing? Are you a fan of Tessa Dare?

Ok, this is all for now. And guys, starting tomorrow, Monday, 28th of March 2022, I decided to take a break from blogging for at least one week. So I'll see you guys again in April. Thank you for reading. Take care.


Fadima Mooneira ^_^

#ALadyByMidnight #TessaDare #HistoricalRomanceNovel #AdultRomanceNovel #RomanceNovel #NovelReview #FadimaMooneiraLibrary #Edutainment #FadimaMooneiraDotCom




  1. Sounds like a satisfying and fun historical romance.

  2. I love your illustrations Fadima! The book sounds very intriguing too - I need to check it out. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I am not a huge fan of romance novels but i can understand why you enjoyed this one. Your illustrations are fantastic!

    1. Thank you for your compliment on my illustrations. Yes, I enjoyed this novel and looking forward to read more Tessa Dare’s novels.

  4. Interesting plot!! Beautiful illustrations! ❤❤❤

    1. Yes, best juga novel Yg digarap tessa dare. Romance scene dia dasyat babe. Hehehe 😜😜😜

  5. OK, I have a question. WHy doesn't Kate remember Samuel? Thank you for that hook, which will only be solved by reading the book :) Lovely review, Fadima and gorgeous artwork as always x

    1. Hehehe.... For that one you have to read the book. Sorry, I can’t give you spoilers.

  6. This sound like a super read -- I love reading your reviews as you illustrate them so well!

  7. Oooh this sounds like such a wonderful read. I will definitely have to check this out, thank you!

  8. lovely revıew, fadıma! thıs sounds lıke ıt would be a nıce read. you have poınted out amazıng detaıls ın your revıew, ı love ıt! thank you so much for sharıng x Penny / www.whatdı

  9. That's interesting romantic novel. It's interesting how she thought that she will never be kissed and things started happening. Cool review!

  10. Akak tak berapa serasi dengan novel romantis. Tapi boleh cuba baca nanti yang munira rekemen ni. Hehehe. Akak suka novel penyiasatan. Triller gitu. Hehehe

    1. Penyiasatan and thriller? Erm,... You should try John Grisham or Robert Ludlum or Dan Brown

  11. I am more a thriller, mystery, espionage novel type of person. But I am intrigued to know more to the story hehe

    1. Then try reading John Grisham, Robert Ludlum, and Dan Brown.

  12. I haven't read this one but it does sound enticing.

  13. Hi, nice drawing, just wondering, why not try selling your art as non fungible token. Can start with this article is a good start

    1. Insya-Allah. I want to put my illustrations on some merchandise. These are for my portfolio. Thank you for the link btw.

  14. Great review! I think I actually have this one on my tbr, i really need to get around to reading it one of these days. Glad to hear you enjoyed it!

  15. This sounds like an interesting read. I am not usually one for the romance novels, but I like the sound of this!
    Thanks for sharing your review :)
    Aimsy xoxo
    Aimsy’s Antics

  16. It sounds like a very interesting read. I like the sound of her backstory and finding out about kates history.

    Corinne x

  17. i suka cara explain setiap plot.. ditambah pula dengan ilustrasi menjadikan review yang ditulis kemas dan cantik

    1. Auwww... Thank you for your compliment. You’re so sweet, Ayu 💖💖💖

  18. Your revieq membuatkan macam nak beli novel ni. Nak tahu kenapa coperal thorne tu sanggup ngaku fiancee

  19. Oh my goodness, a story about someone who has never been kissed?! It makes me think back and try to remember my first kiss. Thanks for sharing!

  20. Wow... You do read Romantic novel.. long time I not read this kind of novel. Like alot story that they want to share in next novel?

    1. Yeah, romance is my favorite genre. Especially adult one.

  21. Its a nice 18sx historical romance novel. I love it when u also review about the author.

    1. Hehehe... Most historical romance are 18SX. I guess you must not be into detailed romance. Am I right?

  22. Sesuai tak kalau remaja baca novel ni Fadima? Ingat macam nak cari untuk anak Sis tu.. nanti nak survey dulu review dari pembaca lain, kalau okay, boleh cari..

    1. Anak sis umo brape? Kalo bawah 18 x sesuai. Citer nie byk detailed romance scenes.

  23. i have never read a story quite like this. thanks for summarising it in such a beautiful and concise way!

  24. So mysterious bah by just reading your sharing up to chapter 4. Itulah, even the cover also so sexy! Worth reading ni..

    1. Worth reading? Hehehe... you’re naughty. But you’re adorable.

  25. Corporal Thorne ni tiba-tiba pulak nak mengaku fiancee, aduhai. Macam nak kena baca juga novel ni. Kang ada plot twist ke kan. By the way, your illustrations are superb as always Fadima. XOXO

  26. Wonderful review and your illustrations are beautiful!

  27. Wonderful review and your illustrations are beautiful! You will get some interesting articles at Life Simile

  28. Fantastic review! This book sounds fun, hot, and right up my alley. Also that cover is sizzling, love it! Plus, I always love it when you add your art in the review~


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