Eiyo Fadneiras,

How are you guys doing? And how's September been treating you so far? I hope you guys are doing good. It's the last week of September already. I can't believe time flies by really fast. I hope that October will be another good month for all of us. Insya-Allah.

Today, I'm back with a novel review. The novel I'm going to review is titled The Hush Society Presents (THSP). THSP belongs to the coming-of-age genre, and the novel is written by Izzy Matias. Now let's begin this review with Izzy's bio...


Beauty With Brains Author ~ Izzy Matias (Image: Izzy Matias Instagram @izzmatias)

Izzy Matias is an author, blogger, and content creator from the Philippines. Izzy is also a K-Wave follower and an Aroha (a fan of an all-boy K-pop group, Astro). Izzy has 10 years of writing experience in different kinds of fields. She has worked with multinational brands and some startup companies.

After graduation, this beauty with brains author participated in a Creative Writing program at the University of Oxford. She blogs at where she teaches others how to start a profitable blog. If you guys want to know more about Izzy or interact with her, here are some of her socmed accounts...

Twitter: @izzmatias

Instagram: @izzmatias

YouTube: IzzyMatias

Facebook: @izzmatias


This coming-of-age novel tells the story of Cameron~ a young lad who dreams to become a musician and play in a band. Cameron dives into the world of secret shows, and a spontaneous summer tour to face his biggest rival, which is himself.

One night, Cameron and his best friends, Benji and Eric, fellow musicians themselves, stumble upon a series of underground live music shows called The Hush Society (THS). There they find a community of new musicians who inspire each other and help one another succeed in music and life. Cameron is instantly drawn to the community and its founder, Cassie, an enigmatic, artistic wild spirit beauty.

When Cassie invites Cameron and his mates to join The Hush Society's summer tour, he decides to give his passion a go one last time. But Cameron sees this as his last shot and feels he must commit fully if he wants to make it in music. So he does the unthinkable. He drops out of University. Even if his bean-counting father already put in the down payment. 

Even if it dents his parents' fragmented relationship further. Even if his Dad’s ultimatum (go to Uni or don't ever come home) scares the hell out of him. Will Cameron finally be able to overcome the part of him ruled by fear? Or will he destroy his chances of success and his friendship with his best mates, and ultimately return to his doomed life in Beverley?


First of all, I have to admit that THSP is an absolutely brilliant novel. THSP is a very intellectual fiction about youth, dreams, life struggles, friendship, family, music, arts, mental health, and a little bit of romance. Growing up, making life decisions, and pursuing dreams is not easy. It takes courage, patience, and hard work. I believe this is the main message of the story.

The plot, storyline, moral message, commercial values, and characters are well-blended by the author. Everything in this story is just perfect, amazing, and awesome. This novel is definitely an enjoyable read.

I like all the characters that Izzy created for THSP. They all are youngsters with dreams. They work hard to achieve what they want. But they also help each other to become successful. I can strongly relate the characters in this novel with myself and my fellow authors (especially those I met during the KLIBF this year). 

My favorite character in THSP is Cassie. She's the female lead and the male lead, Cameron's love interest. Cassie is an artistic and eccentric character. She's another fictional character that I can strongly relate to myself. Like me, Cassie is also working hard to achieve her own dreams and she is not giving up on what she wants. Cassie is the founder of THS, and I'm the founder of FIE. Besides working on her own dreams, Cassie also has the mission to help others (especially her buddies) achieve their goals. Plus, she becomes a source of positive energy to her friends. And so do I ^_^

The chemistry tension between Cameron and Cassie is quite intriguing. They admire each other and even have romantic feelings for each other. They give each other endless support. But Cameron and Cassie decide to put their relationship on hold and stay as buddies. They want to work on their dreams first. Well, I believe that's a wise decision. But if THSP has a sequel, I hope Izzy will develop Cameron and Cassie's relationship from buddies to lovers. After all, Cameron and Cassie still have feelings for each other even though they remain as friends.

Overall, I rate this novel 10/10. I believe THSP is the best novel I've read in 2023 so far. Therefore, I highly recommend this novel to my fellow bookworms to check it out. I also want to invite my fellow authors to read this brilliant work of Izzy Matias. Trust me, guys, you are going to enjoy THSP. And you'll be amazed by Izzy's work. Nothing will disappoint you. Hehehe ^_^

Okay, so this is my review of The Hush Society Presents by Izzy Matias. This novel is a must-not-miss. Before I end this post, I want to thank Izzy Matias for giving this novel to me as an exchange for review. I really enjoy reading THSP. Insya-Allah, I will reread this novel again in the future. I'm also looking forward to Izzy's future WIP, especially the one with the mermaids that she mentioned during our IG Live session last July. Hehehe ^_^ 

I also want to wish Izzy all the best for the future. May she be successful in everything she does. She's one of my fellow authors. She's one of my blogging buddies. She's one of my K-popper pals. And she's definitely my comrade.

For those who are interested in checking out The Hush Society Presents, you guys can purchase the novel via Amazon. Just feel free to click on this link >> THE HUSH SOCIETY PRESENTS BY IZZY MATIAS AT AMAZON

Okay, this is all for now. Thank you for reading my review. I'll see you guys again in my next post. 


Fadima Mooneira ^_^

(Authorpreneur, Content Creator, Blogger & Illustrator)

#TheHushSocietyPresents #IzzyMatias #ComingOfAge #SelfDiscovery #Amazon #AsianAuthor #AsianNovelist #NovelReview #FadimaMooneiraLibrary #Edutainment #FadimaMooneiraDotCom




  1. What a wonderful review of Izzy's book! It sounds like a really engaging and entertaining read with some interesting characters. I love that another blogger I know of has a book out (like you) — so much talent!

    1. Yes! Izzy is talented and beautiful. She’s a lovely person too. So let’s support her ❤️❤️❤️

  2. You’re welcome, Izzy. I’m glad I make you happy. You’re talented. So keep up the good work. I will always root for you 💜💛💕

  3. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your insightful review of "The Hush Society Presents" by Izzy Matias. Your detailed analysis of the book's themes, characters, and overall message paints a vivid picture of the novel's essence. It's evident that you connected deeply with the story's exploration of youth, dreams, friendship, and the pursuit of one's passions.

    Your praise for Izzy's storytelling and character development is well-deserved, and it's heartwarming to hear how you related to both the characters and the author's mission to help others achieve their goals. Cassie sounds like a captivating character, and the chemistry between her and Cameron adds an intriguing layer to the narrative.

    Your enthusiasm and genuine recommendation of the novel are sure to inspire fellow bookworms to pick up "The Hush Society Presents" and experience its brilliance. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, and I look forward to reading more of your reviews in the future!

  4. I had no idea Izzy had a book out! Amazing. I love a coming of age story, it's so nostalgic!

    Corinne x

  5. I had no idea that Izzy had this book out but after reading your glowing review, I'm definitely going to pick up a copy.

    1. Yay!!! Hope you’ll enjoy it 👍👍👍👍👍👍

  6. I follow Izzy's blog, and I knew she wrote a book, but I haven't read it for myself. It was great to see your thoughts on her book, and I'll definitely have to check it out for myself!

  7. An excellent review. Another book for the 'to read' list!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. You always do such a great job at honestly reviewing books. Thanks for introducing us to this Filippino author and blogger.

    1. Yay!!! Go follow her on Twitter. She’s an amazing person 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩

  10. Wow, this is so cool that Izzy has a book out! The book sounds so good, I will definitely think about getting this x

  11. Your enthusiasm shows for this book. Must be very good.

    1. Yessssss!!!!!!! I believe it's the best book I’ve read this year.

  12. Nice sharing! Thanks! love reading your blog as it always shows that writing can make us achieve more than just writing thoughts to myself or just jotting down memories! Thanks!

  13. Ok. Now I wanna read this one too. Thanks for your review and all the best to Izzy too

  14. I haven’t heard of this book before. Thank you for sharing such a detailed review!

    Lauren - bournemouthgirl

  15. interesting novels and first time i heard about izzy matias. I am not a novel fan actually.

  16. it's good to read this book written by a Philippines blogger. Very interesting content

  17. I love novels or movies with a storyline about chasing dreams. Because I am that kind of person who always chasing my dreams. It's inspirational. Also, your Fail Merah book really attracted me since the I opened this link

    1. Same here. I like stories about chasing dreams too as I'm a go-getter.

      If you're attracted to Fail Merah, sudi2 lah beli the novel. You can DM me for it too. The novel is only selling at RM29.00 per book.

  18. Wow, very great novel review. Izzy Matias so pretty. like u said Beauty With Brains Author . Nice sharing

  19. Your review of "The Hush Society Presents" by Izzy Matias is both insightful and compelling. Your deep connection with the book's themes, characters, and overall message shines through, making your recommendation of the novel all the more persuasive. Your enthusiasm is sure to inspire fellow readers to pick up this brilliant book, and I eagerly await more of your reviews in the future!

  20. Nice novel, baca sinopsis The Hush Society Presents pun dah menarik.

  21. Inspirational juga kan novel ni, best juga go for this novel. Boleh consider bah!

  22. I'll have to check out this book, it sounds like a great read! Thanks for sharing!


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