Dear Fadneiras,

Welcome back to Fadima Mooneira. I can't believe it's December now. Time moves really fast. So how was your November? I hope you guys had a good month. My November begins awesome. But ends sadly. One of my BFFs passed away on the last day of November. It was a sad day for me :'(

I'm now still in grief. But slowly recovering. Actually, I don't feel like writing today. In fact, I feel like I don't want to do anything today. But life goes on. And so does work. 

In my previous post, I promised you guys that I'm going to share my review of Mona Awad's Bunny. But I believe I need to postpone it. However, I will share my review of the novel in my next post. Insya-Allah. And as for today, I want to share a special tribute to my late BFF. Now let's begin.

She was a beautiful person inside and out. She was born on the 29th of November 1986. Her name was Noor Fadila Arif. But she preferred people to call her Fadet. It's because she liked to join the cadets back in high school. Yes, Fadet was a very active, adventurous, and cheerful girl.

We got to know each other and became friends during our final year in high school. The first time I met Fadet, I already liked her. She was a girl full of positive vibes. She was a fun person to be with. In fact, she was the one who inspired me to become a positive person. Fadet was friendly, cheerful, and talkative, while I was shy and quiet. When it comes to friendship, Fadet strongly believed in sincerity. Looks, wealth, and titles don't matter to Fadet. She was also very kind and loved helping others. From Fadet, I learned to be kind. Syukur alhamdulillah.

After SPM (similar to O Levels in the UK), I went to Lim Kok Wing University to further my studies. Fadet entered form 6. We were still friends at that time. Syukur alhamdulillah. After I finished my diploma, I went to Manchester, UK to further my Bachelor's Degree, while Fadet started working. 

When I was in Manchester, we lost contact. But syukur alhamdulillah, we were only separated for four years. When I was 25, Fadet returned to my life. We were back as BFFs again. And our friendship became stronger than before.  I was happy and grateful. I believe Fadet was one of Allah SWT's best gifts to me. 

Sharing smiles ^_^ Fadet (left) and me (right). It was one of our sweetest memories together.

During the end of May and early June this year, I took my creative writing career to a new level by participating in the Kuala Lumpur International Book Fair (KLIFB/ PBAKL). Most of my friends were happy for me, including Fadet. Most of my friends marked their calendars to come to support me for the book fair. But not Fadet. 

I was shocked. I wondered why. So Fadet told me the truth. Fadet said she actually wanted to go to the book fair to support me. She wanted to watch my Resensi session live at PWTC. But unfortunately, she can't. And again I asked her why? And that was the moment I found out that my BFF was ill. Very ill. Fadet told me that she was diagnosed with kidney cancer, and was already in stage 5. Again, I was shocked and sad :'(

But Fadet was a fighter. She still had hopes that her cancer would go away and she'd be healthy again. Fadet told me not to pity her. She was strong. She only wanted me to pray for her health. And I did what she told me. I prayed for her every day. I prayed that Fadet would be healthy again. 

On the 29th of November 2023, Fadet celebrated her 37th birthday. Me and other friends wished her Happy Birthday via WhatsApp. We even sent her our prayers. Fadet was happy. And we were happy too.

On the day after Fadet's 37th birthday, I received a call from Raden. The time was 5.15 pm. Raden was crying. She told me that our best friend, Fadet had passed away. I was shocked, crushed, and heartbroken. Fadet had left us. Tears rolled down my eyes. It was a hard moment for me. After talking to Raden, I called Maddy to inform her of the sad news. Maddy was sad too. All of us were sad. My parents and I went to Fadet's funeral. There were a lot of people there. And those people prayed for Fadet. Syukur alhamdulillah. Fadet is loved by many people. 

Even though how sad I am now, I have to accept that death is part of life. Everyone and everything in this world belongs to Allah SWT. To HIM, we shall return. Fadet had been a good person all her life. She had been a good daughter, sister, wife, mother, and friend. She had passed Allah SWT's tests in dunia. So she is now in a better place. 

Al-Fatihah to you, my dear BFF. I love you. I was happy to have you in my life. I am forever grateful that you were my BFF. I know I'm going to miss you forever from now on. I can't imagine my days without you. But Allah SWT loves you more. Insya-Allah, I will work hard to become a good person every day. I hope to meet and be friends with you again in Akhirat. Even though we are apart now, our friendship remains forever. Our friendship is like the wind. I can't see it. But I can feel it...

Thank you for reading this post, guys. 


Fadima Mooneira

PS: Kepada rakan-rakan Muslim yang membaca post ini, mohon sedekah Al-Fatihah ya buat sahabtku, Fadet. Terima kasih ^_^

#BFF #BestFriendsForever #Friendship #PersonalBlog #FadimaMooneiraDotCom




  1. I am so sorry for you loss. I hope your friend is in a better place and not hurting anymore. Take as much time as you need.

  2. I'm sorry for your loss, not a good ending to the month. It's not easy to lose a BFF.

    1. I know. I miss her now and I will miss her forever 😭😭😭

  3. I am sending you lots of love, this is a very sad loss to experience for her family and you. I would be devastated with the passing of my BFF so my heart goes out to you. Sharing this post here was both beautiful and sad to read, I hope healing can be found for all soon.

    1. I am sad, Molly. But life goes on. Thank you for your kind words ❤️❤️❤️

  4. Congratulations on your first novel, sorry for your loss <3

  5. Very sad news. I hope you will feel like writing again soon.

  6. I am sorry Fadima to hear this sad news of your friends passing. May they rest in peace and the memory be a blessing. Your BFF's life was no doubt enriched by a wonderful friend like you. Big hug

  7. Time flies, and leave some unhealable wounds that we cannot pour. Stay strong and be brave. Happy 2024 ahead.


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