Eiyo Fadneiras,

I'm back with another novel review. Today, I'm going to share my review of The Sphere. The Sphere is a slice-of-life and self-discovery novel written by Kid Haidér. Now let's begin this review with Kid Haidér's bio...


The talented millennial dreamer ~ Kid Haidér (Image: Kid Haidér's IG @kidhaider)

Kid Haidér is a Malaysian author. Besides The Sphere, he also wrote The Dream. Both of his novels ~ The Sphere and The Dream are published in English and Bahasa Malaysia. This millennial author describes himself as a dreamer who likes to write.

If you guys are interested in Kid Haidér's work, here are his socmed links:-

1) Instagram: @kidhaider

2) TikTok: @kidhaider

3) YouTube: @KidHaider

4) Wattpad: @kidhaider


The Sphere follows a millennial girl named Marina. Marina is flying high in her career. She has a stable job at a cosmetic company. She also has a rich hunky fiancee named Norman.

But still, Marina feels something is missing in her life. What is it? What makes Marina unhappy since she has almost everything that every girl dreams of? 

Working at a cosmetic company is not exactly what Marina wants. There's something else that she wants. Plus, her relationship with Norman is no longer the same. They are slowly drifting apart. And Norman shockingly breaks their engagement. Oh, dear... poor Marina.

However, Marina stays strong. She decides to quit her job at the cosmetic company and work on her dreams. But what are Marina's dreams? Even Marina does not know her dreams. She is confused. But she still wants to keep on moving as life goes on. Will Marina find her true passion throughout her journey? Will Marina be able to build her new chapter even though she does not know what she wants to do with her life? 


The best word to describe The Sphere is awesome! Yep, this novel is simply awesome. It's going to be listed as one of the best novels I've read this year. Everything about this book is awesome ~ the plot, storyline, characters, and Kid Haidér's writing style.

The early chapters of this novel give me Legally Blonde deja vu. It gives me the message ~ dreams change as life changes. Plus, Marina's character reminded me of Elle Woods. Hehehe ^_^

It's also amazing that a male author can write from a woman's point of view. And Kid Haidér did it well. Kid's writing style makes me able to feel Marina. Reading The Sphere is like reading a girl's diary. I also like the way Kid Haidér blends his knowledge of pop-culture and social issues with his fiction writing. It makes the story believable, lively, and exciting to read.

To me, The Sphere is an eye-opener novel. I like the message that Kid Haidér shares in the story. Dreams change as life changes. Sometimes we don't know and feel unsure about what we want in life. But that does not mean we have to stop or put a pause on our life. The trick is to keep on moving and open your heart to new things. Insya-Allah, you will find your true passion and dreams. And it's never too late to build your life and dreams. Everyone is given chances from Allah SWT. It's ok to go sailing without a map.

Love the second last paragraph on this page. It's so inspiring ^_^

As a human being, I've also experienced what Marina experienced in The Sphere. After the general election in 2018, I lost my job as a contract civil servant at the Prime Minister Department and it was a hard time for me to rise back. It's because I didn't know my direction at that time. I tried working in many different jobs. But all does not satisfy me. In 2019, I started blogging again. I also started joining creative writing courses. And that's how I found my true passion. That's how I realized that creative writing is my dream. Creative writing is a dream that I had since I was 11 years old and I need to work on it. Yay! And I'm grateful for that. Like Marina, I'm also grateful with all the people I met throughout my journey. Good people give me good memories. Toxic people give me lessons. My experiences make me know my directions. Alhamdulillah ^_^

Oops... just sharing my experiences, guys. Overall, I rate this novel 10/10. It definitely deserves 10 stars. I also highly recommend this novel to my fellow bookworms and those who are rebuilding their lives. Trust me, guys, this novel won't disappoint you. It will inspire you to move forward. Plus, The Sphere is a novel you must not miss. 

I really hope The Sphere will be adapted into a movie in the future. I'm sure it will be a brilliant one. And it will be cool to have Anna Jobling as Marina. Hehehe... just sharing my imagination ^_^

Okay, so this is my review of The Sphere by Kid Haidér. So has anyone read The Sphere by Kid Haidér? If yes, what are your opinions of the story? And what are your opinions of Marina's character?

Okay, this is all for now. Thank you for reading my review. Insya-Allah, I will see you guys again in my next post. Take care.


Fadima Mooneira ^_^

(Authorpreneur, Content Creator, Blogger & Illustrator)

#TheSphere #KidHaidér #SliceOfLife #SelfDiscovery #NovelReview #BookReview #FadimaMooneiraLibrary #Edutainment #FadimaMooneiraDotCom




  1. The Sphere sounds like a fantastic book, and it was wonderful to read about how you could relate to Marina. That's fantastic you found your dream of creative writing!

    1. Alhamdulillah. I’m grateful Allah SWT guided me the right way.

      Yeah, The Sphere is a good book to read. You should check it out as well.

  2. Sounds like a lot of people could relate to the various ways Marina feels in this book.

  3. Lovely review, Fadima, and particularly since it chimed with what you've experienced in your life too. I'm so happy you're now pursuing your dreams - may they all come true for you in 2024!

  4. It sounds like a book that a quite a few people can relate to in some way x

    Lucy Mary

  5. It's so great that you resonated with this story so much and that you can see your own journey within its pages! It sounds like a really great read; it's great to be introduced to a new author!

    1. Yes, Kid Haidér is a brilliant author. You should check out his works ^_^

  6. Great review. Good to learn more about you and how you discovered your calling of creative writing. I loved Elle Woods too.

  7. Thanks so much for sharing this book review, I'm curious to read it to find out what makes Marina feels something is missing in her life, gonna check out this book. Cheers SiennyLovesDrawing


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