Eiyo Fadneiras,

Welcome back to Fadima Mooneira. As promised in my previous post, here's my review of Mona Awad's Bunny. Let's begin this review with Mona Awad's bio...


The dark fiction author ~ Mona Awad (Image:

Mona Awad is a Canadian novelist and short story writer. She is known for darkly comic fiction. Awad was born in Montreal and now resides in America. She is an alumnus of York University in Toronto.

Before Bunny, Awad was famous for her first novel, 13 Ways Of Looking At A Fat Girl. Awad's first novel won the 2016 Amazon Best First Novel Award and the Colorado Book Award. 13 Ways Of Looking At A Fat Girl was also shortlisted for the Giller Prize and the Arab American Book Award. Besides her novels, Awad's writing has appeared in McSweeney's, TIME Magazine, Electric Literature, VICE, The Walrus, and elsewhere.


This wickedly sharp dark fiction follows a Warren University student named Samantha Heather Mackey (a.k.a Smackey). Smackey is not a popular girl in college. In fact, she is lonely and only has Ava as her friend.

Smackey has a strong hatred for a group of rich flawless girls who call themselves the Bunnies. To Smackey, the Bunnies are a bunch of childish grown-up women. But at the same time, she is also jealous of their wealth, beauty, and perfection.

On one fine day, something unexpected happened. The Bunnies surprisingly send Smackey an invitation to their private event. And Smackey finds herself inexplicably drawn to the Bunnies. Smackey becomes obsessed with the Bunnies. She even ditches Ava to become a Bunny. 

As the plot evolves, Smackey falls deeper down the Bunnies' rabbit hole. Will Smackey be able to escape and return to her normal life?


I bought this novel when I was on holiday in London early this year. At that time, I don't know what this novel is about. I don't even know the novel's genre. The pink cover and bunny illustration make this novel look so attractive to my eyes. So I picked it up without knowing the story inside and the novel's genre.

Firstly, this novel is something new to me. I have not read any novel like this before. Just before I read Bunny, I googled about it and did some research. And I found out that this novel belongs to the psychological horror genre. Bunny is a story about mental health and loneliness.

Bunny is also a satire and it criticizes girl bullies. Reading Bunny gives me Mean Girls (a 2004 chic flick starring Lindsay Lohan) deja vu. Yeah, the Bunnies are very similar to the Mean Girls: the way they talk, socialize, and dress.

Since Bunny is the first psychological horror novel I've read, it's hard for me to say whether I enjoy it or not. Plus, I'm not a fan of the horror genre. Luckily Bunny doesn't involve ghosts, zombies, evil spirits, and black magic. Hehehe :P However, I like Mona Awad's writing style in this novel. Awad's writing style is very sharp, dark, and expressive. It makes me able to feel the protagonist, Smackey. Plus, I like all the dark humor Awad includes in Bunny.

Even though I'm not 100% click with Bunny, I'm still interested in checking out Mona Awad's other works, especially her latest novel, Rogue. I read a lot of good reviews about Rogue. The novel sounds very interesting to me. So I'm definitely going to add Rogue to my TBR. Hehehe ^_^

Overall, I rate this novel 8/10. I still believe Bunny is a good novel to read. I'm definitely recommending it to my fellow bookworms who are into the psychological horror genre and looking for something different to read. However, I do need to be honest that Bunny is not a book for everyone, especially those who are under 18 and can't stand violence. This novel has a lot of violence and disturbing scenes. 

Okay, so this is my review of Mona Awad's Bunny. Before I end this post, I want to ask my readers some related questions...

1) Have you read Bunny by Mona Awad?

2) If yes, what are your opinions of the story? Did you enjoy it?

Thank you for reading this post. I'll see you guys again in my next post. Insya-Allah.


Fadima Mooneira ^_^

(Authorpreneur, Content Creator, Blogger & Illustrator)

#Bunny #MonaAwad #PyschologicalHorror #NovelReview #BookReview #FadimaMooneirasLibrary #Edutainment #FadimaMooneiraDotCom




  1. Some book covers really do not represent their contents, I pun pernah terkena juga 😭

    Btw I don't really like psychological horror. But I do loveeee paranormal horror (ghosts and the like 😁)

    1. Ha’ah… Tu la cover dia macam novel chick lit kan.

      Hehehe… macam I pula x suka paranormal horror. Takut. Tapi psychological horror pun scary juga. This book byk disturbing scenes. But interesting la.

  2. I haven't read it yet but I surely want to add it to my TBR.

  3. I'd really love to give this one a go! I've heard it's brilliantly bizarre so sounds like it'd be right up my street. Thanks for giving a bit more info into what the books actually about. It sounds even more interesting to me now.


    1. My pleasure. Yeah, Bunny is listed as one of the must read book in 2023.

  4. I have not heard of this author before, but it was great to read a bot more about her and this particular book. This sounds like a genre I enjoy so I would probably really get into this, it sounds quite intriguing!

  5. I am a big fan of Mean Girls so I think I would really enjoy this book! I am also drawn in by the pink cover :)

    1. Hehehe… the pink cover makes the book so attractive.

  6. Great review. Sometimes it's good to read a different genre to what you normally would.

  7. As I was reading this I thought of Mean Girls and then you said it. It just shows you shouldn't judge a book by its cover - great review, Fadima!

    1. Yes, it does gives me Mean Girls deja vu. But the story has darker vibes.

  8. Bunny is on my TBR, and I currently have it on hold from the library! I like the horror genre, so it does seem like it would be a good fit for me, and I like the Mean Girls vibes. Also, that's great to see that even though you're not a fan of the genre, you still rated the book an 8.

    1. I'm not sure if I enjoy this book. But I do see Bunny as an interesting read. It's something new to me. And Mona Awad's writing style makes me want to check out her other works.

  9. As a reader, I avoid reading the horror genre, however, your review of this book is quite interesting, I will try to find this book later. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Yeah, this book is unique. It’s not a supernatural kinda horror. It's a psychological horror.

  10. This novel looks interesting and seriously I have not read any psychological horror novel before

  11. Thanks for sharing your review on this interesting novel. 1st impression I love its bright pink vibrant book cover & you added in a bunny toy to it it's so lovely too. Cheers SiennyLovesDrawing

    1. Yeah, the pink vibes attracted me to buy the book and read it x🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷


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