Eiyo Fadneiras,

Bonne Sunday ^_^ It's Christmas Eve today. To my Christian friends, have a good celebration with family and loved ones. Happy holidays ^_^ And if you're still doing last-minute gift shopping, why not get your loved ones something nice to read. FYI, SM Books & Collectibles and I are having a Fail Merah Year-End Sales now. My novel, Fail Merah is now selling at RM24.00. Feel free to click on this link for the year-end sales >> FAIL MERAH YEAR-END SALES

Alright... now let's carry on with today's objective. In today's post, I'm going to share my top 10 favorite fiction books of 2023. Since I read a lot of awesome fiction books this year, I decided to have my own book charts. Yay!!! These books are mind-blowing, received 10/10 ratings from me, and are already listed as my all-time favorite reads. Now let's begin the list. We shall begin with no. 10 to no.1.


Twisted Lies is the fourth and final book in Ana Huang's Twisted series. This novel belongs in the new adult romance genre. To me, Twisted Lies is the best book in the series. The story has an interesting plot and intriguing storyline. This book is a fast read. Besides the plot and storyline, the characters in this novel are all well-crafted by the author. Their intentions suit the plot. Plus, all characters in Twisted Lies are make-believe people. And trust me, any woman who reads this book will fall in love with Christian Harper (the ML). He is such a dreamy book heartthrob. You can't resist him ^_^

To read my full review of Ana Huang's Twisted Lies, click on this link >> NOVEL REVIEW: TWISTED LIES BY ANA HUANG


Alak In The Hinterland (AITH) is a picture book for middle-grade kids. But adults can read it too. Hehehe ^_^ For me, AITH is more than just an adventure story. It's a very educational story about the environment and nature. This book is definitely an eye-opener. Reading AITH gives me insight and knowledge about the animals and plants that once lived in the hinterland. Besides the environment and nature, this book also taught me about kindness. Plus, this book also has beautiful illustrations made of fine woodblock print in it. 

To read my full review of Salhan K. Ahmad's Alak In The Hinterland, click on this link >> BOOK REVIEW: ALAK IN THE HINTERLAND BY SALHAN K. AHMAD


Marrying Winterborne belongs to the historical romance genre. This very flowery and sensual novel is written by my no.1 favorite romance author, Lisa Kleypas. Marrying Winterborne is the second novel in Lisa Kleypas' The Ravenel series. This novel is now listed as one of my all-time favorite romantic reads. The characters that LK created for this novel blend well with the plot. I like Rhys Winterborne's character the most. In fact, I have a crush on Rhys while reading Marrying Winterborne. Hehehe... he is just so swooning ^_^  It’s cool that Kleypas used fashion as a commercial value for this story. Fashion makes the story so enjoyable to read.

To read my full review of Lisa Kleypas' Marrying Winterborne, click on this link >> MARRYING WINTERBORNE BY LISA KLEYPAS


Hello Stranger is another swoon-worthy historical romance novel written by Lisa Kleypas. This novel is the fourth book in Lisa Kleypas' The Ravenel series. Hello Stranger has different vibes from all Kleypas novels I've read before. This novel is also a cross-genre between historical and action romance. I like that Kleypas relates this story to Shakespeare's Hamlet. It makes me curious about Hamlet. I watched Hamlet once when I was a child. But at that time, I was too young to understand the story :P So thanks to Kleypas, now I know what Hamlet is about. Reading Hello Stranger makes me learn some Gaelic words too. Gaelic is an Irish traditional language.

To read my full review of Lisa Kleypas' Hello Stranger, click on this link >> NOVEL REVIEW: HELLO STRANGER BY LISA KLEYPAS


The Sphere is a slice-of-life and self-discovery novel written by Kid Haidér. The best word to describe The Sphere is awesome! Everything about this book is awesome ~ the plot, storyline, characters, and Kid Haidér's writing style. I find it amazing that a male author can write from a woman's point of view. And Kid Haidér did it well. The author's writing style makes me able to feel the MC, Marina. Reading The Sphere is like reading a girl's diary. I also like the way Kid Haidér blends his knowledge of pop-culture and social issues with his fiction writing. It makes the story believable, lively, and exciting to read. The Sphere is an eye-opener novel. I like the message that Kid Haidér shares in the story. Dreams change as life changes.

To read my full review of Kid Haidér's The Sphere, click on this link >> NOVEL REVIEW: THE SPHERE BY KID HAIDÉR


This high-epic fantasy novel by Yuda Areni is a work of art. The world-building, the characters, and the scenes in this story are just awesome. Reading Orakel Dewata gives me Eragon, Chronicles Of Narnia, and Lord Of The Rings déjà vu. Plus, I can also relate some of the incidents in this story to real-life events. For a person who has not read fantasy novels for quite a long time, I have to admit that Orakel Dewata succeeds in bringing me back to this genre. This novel is a page-turner indeed. This story has a very exciting and intriguing plot and storyline. I also like Yuda Areni's artsy yet simple writing style. It makes the story very enjoyable to read and easy for me to visualize every scene. If you're a fantasy addict, Orakel Dewata is a book you must not miss. Plus, Yuda Areni is an author you must follow in 2024 ^_^

To read my full review of Yuda Areni's Orakel Dewata, click on this link >> NOVEL REVIEW: ORAKEL DEWATA BY YUDA ARENI


Yellowface by New York Times Bestselling author, R.F. Kuang is a horror story about loneliness in a fiercely competitive industry. Besides loneliness, Kuang also shares the reality and dark side of the book industry in her writing. Yellowface is a very thrilling read.  This novel is definitely a page-turner. Once you open it, you will read it till the end. Every chapter makes you want to know what happens next. And the ending of Yellowface is very shocking. Yellowface is also an eye-opener novel. Reading Yellowface makes me grateful. Compared to June and Athena, I have family, relatives, and friends supporting me throughout my writing journey. Syukur alhamdulillah. 

To read my full review of R.F. Kuang's Yellowface, click on this link >> NOVEL REVIEW: YELLOWFACE BY R.F. KUANG


Rose's is the prequel of Anjell's no.1 bestselling novel, Dheo's. Rose's is the beginning of Nurissa Rose and Dheo Han's love story. Just like Dheo's, Rose's is also a very beautiful romantic read even though the vibes are dark and melancholy. The story carries two romance tropes ~ bad-boy-innocent-girl-romance, and forbidden love. Everything in this novel is just so romantic and beautiful. The plot, storyline, and characters are all beautifully written and created by the author. Reading Rose's gives me the same romantic feeling while I was reading Dheo's. I like that the author uses rose and thorns as the romance element for this novel. It gives me one new thought about a rose and its thorns.

To read my full review of Anjell's Rose's, click on this link >> NOVEL REVIEW: ROSE'S BY ANJELL


This self-discovery novel by Matt Haig is a very enjoyable read. This novel is not disappointing at all. I describe The Midnight Library as an eye-opener novel about life. Reading this novel makes me realize that I must not have regrets in life. Everything happened for a reason. Being human doesn't require us to understand life. We just have to live with it and keep on moving. That's the beauty of life. I like that the author used the chess game as a commercial value for this story. Being a small pawn is not a bad thing. Just because you're not somebody, it doesn't mean that you're a nobody. People with no rank or position also have important roles in life. The Midnight Library is definitely a novel you must not miss. Plus, this novel is also loved by many celebrities and public figures such as BTS's RM & Suga, Rowoon, and actor Kang Hanuel ^_^

To read my full review of Matt Haig's The Midnight Library, click on this link >> NOVEL REVIEW: THE MIDNIGHT LIBRARY BY MATT HAIG

And the no.1 spot goes to...


This slice-of-life and self-discovery novel by Izzy Matias is a very intellectual fiction about youth, dreams, life struggles, friendship, family, music, arts, mental health, and a little bit of romance. The plot, storyline, moral message, commercial values, and characters are well-blended by the author. Everything in this story is just perfect, amazing, and awesome. This novel is definitely an enjoyable read. I like all the characters that Izzy created for The Hush Society Presents (THSP). The characters are youngsters with dreams. They work hard to achieve what they want. But they also help each other to become successful. THSP is an absolutely brilliant read for me. THSP is a novel you must not miss. That's why it deserves the no.1 spot on this list ^_^ Guys, let's give a huge clap to Izzy Matias on her brilliant debut. Good job, Izzy! Good job!

Okay, so this is the list of my top 10 favorite fiction books this year.  Insya-Allah, this list will become one of Fadima Mooneira's annual traditions starting now on. Btw, I can't wait to read more awesome books in 2024. Yep, I already have my TBR list for 2024 ^_^

Before I end this post, I want to ask my readers one question. What are your top 5 favorite fiction books this year? Feel free to share your list in the comment box below.

Okay, this is all for now. Thank you for reading my post. Insya-Allah, I will see you guys again in my next post. And in my next post, I will share my recap of 2023. So don't miss out ^_^


Fadima Mooneira ^_^
(Authorpreneur, Content Creator, Blogger & Illustrator)

#FadimaMooneirasList #10AwesomeFictionBooksOf2023 #TheHushSocietyPresents #IzzyMatias #TheMidnightLibrary #MattHaig #Roses #Anjell #Yellowface #RFKuang #OrakelDewata #YudaAreni #TheSphere #KidHaidér #HelloStranger #MarryingWinterborne #LisaKleypas #AlakInTheHinterland #SalhanKAhmad #TwistedLies #AnaHuang #FadimaMooneirasLibrary #Edutainment #FadimaMooneiraDotCom


I like all the characters that Izzy created for THSP. They all are youngsters with dreams. They work hard to achieve what they want. But they also help each other to become successful. I can strongly relate the characters in this novel with myself and my fellow authors (especially those I met during the KLIBF this year). 


  1. I love seeing peoples favorite books of the year. These ones sound really good. I read The Midnight Library a year or two ago and also really enjoyed it.

  2. A fab collection of fiction books! I love to see your reviews of titles I have not yet read (and some I have; Yellowface was amazing). I will have to round-up the books I read this year as so many of theme were incredible. Have a great year ahead with more reading and reviews!

  3. This is a great collection of fiction books you've read in 2023! x

    Lucy Mary

  4. Fun to see what you've read over the past year! I will have to check out some of these books.

  5. Thanks for this amazing list of fiction books. I'll add them to my 2024 reading list. Cheers!

  6. A really varied choice here. I especially love Matt Haig's stuff.

  7. Thank you for this great list. I've wanted to read The Midnight Library for a while now. Sam - Mummy Conquering Anxiety

  8. The Midnight Library and Yellowface sound like my kind of books. I’m getting back into reading again and I’m loving it. Thank you for sharing these.

    1. You’re welcome. Hope you’ll enjoy those two books. They are brilliant. Keep on reading.

  9. I've not read any of these but I'm a romance fan so I might have to look up those historical romances. I think I've got Matt Haig's book on my to read pile

    1. Yeah, historical romance is one of the best genres to read. And Lisa Kleypas is the best 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

  10. I've not read any of these but there's a few I'm going to keep a note of to look out for! :)

  11. These all sound like fantastic books! Yellowface is on my TBR, and I'm quite intrigued by The Midnight Library. Also, I forgot Izzy Matias wrote a book, so I do want to check it out!

    1. Yessssss!!!!!! The Hush Society Presents is a must read!

  12. That's a great reading list sharing here, thanks for this compilation, this new year gonna be reading more for me 😁 cheers Siennylovesdrawing


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