Dear Fadima,

I know you're happy with your current achievements at the Kuala Lumpur International Book Fair 2023 (PBAKL 2023). Congrats! You did well as a first-time Mandiri participant. Please keep on working harder to achieve better in the future ya. You can do it! Fighting! Have courage, be sincere, and be patient. These are the three important keys to success. Plus, doa jangan putus-putus ya ^_^

You also meet a lot of awesome like-minded people during the book fair. I hope you and your new friends will be friends forever. Keep up the networking and grow together. Together, you guys will make the book industry in Malaysia huge someday. Insya-Allah. Aamiin.

Now you're back to reality and missing all the happy moments at PBAKL. I know you're also feeling overwhelmed with your part-time job. You already have a hectic schedule this week. And you're going to have a more hectic schedule next week. Oh, dear! I understand how you feel. And I know you wish you were back in Phuket enjoying another retreat. Hehehe :P But hey, this hectic schedule is only temporary ok. You're going to be ok, and you're schedule will be less hectic after next week is over. So trust me, you are going to go through this well. So keep calm and just keep on swimming. After all, there must be a good reason for this. 

Babe, I know you have a lot of plans and new upcoming projects this year. Even your eighth book/sixth collaboration project is coming this year. Insya-Allah. However, please take things easy and don't fret too much. You are going to make it well. Fighting! Like I said in the paragraph above, just keep on swimming and praying. Insya-Allah, everything will be at ease. 

Last but not least, you are awesome. Don't let anyone tell you that you're different ^_^


Fadima Mooneira ^_^

(Authorpreneur, Content Creator, Blogger & Illustrator)


Dear Fadneiras,

I'm now feeling a little overwhelmed with my part-time job. Things aren't so great at work. But have no worries. I am ok. I just want to write this letter to myself as a motivation. Btw, I hope you guys are doing well with your life. Take care. I'll see you guys again in my next post ^_^

#LetterToMyself #SelfMotivation #PopCulture #Edutainment #Lifestyle #Beauty #Travel #FadimaMooneiraDotCom 


  1. Yeah!! Everytime you feel overwhelmed, just remember that it will pass 🤗

    1. Insya-Allah. Aamiin. Allah S.W.T give us challenges that we can face.

  2. Like you said yourself, just keep swimming!

  3. Writing words of encouragement to ourselves like you did in this letter is a really great way to show some self-love. I'm sorry to hear that work stuff is being quite stressful; your self-compassion will get you through. You go this!

  4. You are awesome! I love the idea of writing a letter to yourself and definitely want to give it a go!
    Soph x

    1. Yeah, writing letters to yourself is also a good motivation. I have a journal where I write letters to myself. You can try that too.

  5. Love this. Writing words of encouragement to ourselves is so important!

    1. Yep, I second that. After all, we are our no.1 motivators.

  6. I love this, we all need a bit of encouragement from ourselves every now and again. @radiosarahc

  7. What a lovely post. You should be so proud of what you've achieved x

  8. Congratulations on your book fair!
    Love this! Writing letters to oneself fosters self-awareness, self-reflection, and self-grounding.

  9. Fadima, you are super talented and kind. Know your worth and keep remembering it, please. This too will pass, you have a lot of friends and fans here, we're rooting for you!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, Lisa. I'm grateful to have a friend like you ^_^

  10. I love this idea! It’s always really motivating to remind yourself of how far you’ve come!

    1. Yes, I agree with you. It makes us realized that we aren't so bad after all.

  11. I love letters to self so much! This was sweet to read. I should start writing these to myself.

    Jeanette x

  12. Ohh wowo....I really love this idea from you to write a letter to own self. That's really inspiration to me. I'm gonna do that too. Cheers SiennyLovesDrawing

    1. Yes, please do it. And don't forget to share it on your blog ^_^

  13. Such a kind and motivational letter for yourself. Just keep going! You are doing great. Thank you for sharing a personal post!

    Lauren - Bournemouth girl

  14. What a lovely thought. To write a letter to yourself ❤️ Sam - Roaring Pumpkin

  15. This is such a great idea Fadima to help keep up the motivation. I'm sorry to hear things with the part-time job aren't going great and it's a bit overwhelming but as you mentioned it will pass and great things are on the horizon!

    1. Even though y part time work schedule is less hectic now, i’m still feeling stress with the unprofessional management and leadership. Oh dear!

  16. This is such a wonderful idea! Thanks for sharing, Fadima!

  17. Aw this is such a lovely idea! Love writing letters to my future self :)


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