Eiyo Fadneiras,

Welcome back to Fadima Mooneira ^_^ Whew... it's been over a week since I posted my previous post on this blog. Does anyone miss me? Hehehe...

FYI, I did not take a break from blogging or went MIA. I posted last week's post on my author's website, F. Mooneira's Bookshelf instead of on this blog. Yep, I shared some trivia about my latest book, Komplot Cerpen Penulis Paluan Seni Vol.2 (KCPPS 2) on my author's website. If you're curious about KCPPS 2, feel free to click on these two links below:-



Alright, let's get straight to today's objective. Today, I'm going to share my review of Ana Huang's Twisted Lies. Now let's check out Ana Huang's bio...


The queen of the new adult romance genre ~ Ana Huang (Image: Elle India)

Ana Huang is an Asian-American author. She's also known as the queen of the new adult romance fiction. Her stories include alpha male heroes, strong heroines, and plenty of steam, angst, and swoon sprinkled in. Most of her novels have been sold to over two dozen foreign publishers for translation and featured in outlets such as NPR, Cosmopolitan, Financial Times, and Glamour UK.

Huang describes herself as a self-professed travel enthusiast. As a jet setter, Huang loves featuring beautiful places that she visited in her stories. She's also obsessed with hot chocolate and has multiple relationships with fictional boyfriends.


Twisted Lies is the fourth and final book in Ana Huang's Twisted series. The Twisted series follows four galpals ~ Ava, Bridget, Jules, and Stella. Ava, Bridget, and Jules have achieved their happy ending in the books before Twisted Lies. Now, it's time for Stella Alonso to meet her Prince Charming.

Stella is the sweetest girl among her galpals. She is shy and an introvert. Being a fashion blogger and an influencer keeps Stella busy. Dating and relationships are the last two things on Stella's mind. Stella is always busy chasing deals with fashion brands and plotting her own fashion line.

But being busy does not make Stella not longing for love. Deep inside her heart, Stella does dream about finding true love even though she puts her career first. Stella is a romantic who keeps her heart in a cage. And along came Christian Harper...

My fan art of Christian Harper & Stella Alonso (Image: My Artstagram @fmooneira_art)

Christian Harper is a morally grey hero who is smart enough to hide his dark secrets. He is a monster dressed in the perfectly tailored suits of a gentleman. Christian's past and childhood make him not believe in love. 

But every monster has their weakness. And meeting Stella Alonso gives Christian a new feeling - the feeling of love. Yep, the feeling makes him want her more than anything else. And he is willing to do anything to get her in his arms including lies.

Despite Christian's cold nature, he makes Stella feel everything when she is with him - passionate, protected, and truly wanted. But can Stella accept Christian once she finds out his secrets?


Honestly, I believe Twisted Lies is the best book in Ana Huang's Twisted series. I enjoyed the story a lot and will definitely read it again in the future.

Twisted Lies has an interesting plot and intriguing storyline. It makes you want to know what happens next. This book is definitely a page-turner and a fast read. Besides the plot and storyline, the characters in this novel are all well-crafted by the author. Their intentions suit the story's plot. Plus, all characters in Twisted Lies are make-believe people.

My favorite character in this novel is definitely Christian Harper. In fact, Christian is my favorite Twisted hero. I like him more than Alex, Rhys, and Josh. Christian is a very suave, charming, and alluring alpha male hero. I had a crush on him while I was reading this novel. Oh wow!!! He is such a dreamy character. I like the way he expresses his love for Stella. Oh, how I wish this man was real. Oh, how I wish I was Stella. Hehehe ^_^

Besides Christian Harper, I also like Stella's character. Actually, I've been a fan of Stella since I read Twisted Love (the first book in the Twisted series). I believe Stella is a very cool and adorable character. Plus, I like her character arch. Stella is portrayed by Huang as a very timid character at the beginning of the story. She is shy and scared to express her feelings and what she truly wants to others and even herself. But when Christian enters her life, Stella becomes brave and open with her feelings. Christian's love gives Stella courage. Oh, I like that ^_^

Stella is another character I can relate with myself besides Jules Ambrose (Twisted Hate). Stella is the young me, while Jules is the person I am now. Like Stella, I was also scared to express my feelings and what I wanted to others and even myself. Plus, I was also mild and timid. But as I grow older, I realize being too shy takes me nowhere. I must have the courage to pursue my dreams even though I'm shy and an introvert. Yeah, I'm working on my dreams! And I'm halfway there!

My fan cast for Stella & Christian ~ Zendaya as Stella Alonso & Henry Golding as Christian Harpen. I believe Zendaya is the best actress to play Stella. Plus, they have the same vibes. At first, I had no idea which actor should I fan cast as Christian Harper. But since Huang describes Christian as a masculine hunk with tan skin, I believe Henry Golding suits the role. Plus, Henry Golding has that suave charismatic look. So he is perfect to play Christian Harper ^_^

Reading Twisted Lies gives me Tempt Me At Twilight (TMAT) deja vu. TMAT is a historical romance novel written by one of my all-time favorite authors, Lisa Kleypas. And TMAT is one of my favorite Lisa Kleypas novels. Like TMAT, Twisted Lies is also a Hades-And-Persephone-inspired romance story. Both are stories about a bad boy falling in love with an innocent girl. Christian and Stella's relationship also reminded me of Harry Rutledge and Poppy Hathaway's relationship in TMAT. They bring out the best in each other and change each other into a better version of themselves. Lovely.

Overall, I rate this novel 10/10. It is now listed as one of my all-time favorite reads. I highly recommend my fellow bookworms who are into the new adult romance genre to read Twisted Lies. I believe this novel is another must-not-miss read. Trust me, guys, you are going to enjoy Twisted Lies. However, I need to be honest, that this novel is very spicy. It is packed with steamy scenes and strong adult language. So it is not suitable for those who are under 18.

Umm... I had mixed feelings after I finished reading Twisted Lies. I felt happy, but I also felt sad at the same time. Twisted Lies is the final book in Ana Huang's Twisted series. Completing the Twisted series also means I have to say goodbye to Stella, Jules, Ava, and Bridget. Oh, dear... I'm so going to miss these lovely characters. I'm also going to miss Christian, Rhys, Alex, and Josh. Oh, these dreamy heroes. Well, never mind. Insya-Allah, I'll be reading these books again in the future. Hehehe ^_^ Also, I plan to geek about the Twisted series in my future post. So don't miss out.

Last but not least, thank you for reading my review of Twisted Lies by Ana Huang. Before I end this post, let me ask my readers five related questions...

1) Have you read Twisted Lies by Ana Huang?

2) If yes, what are your opinions of the story?

3) Did you have a crush on Christian Harper while reading the book? And what are your opinions of his character?

4) Have you read all four books in Ana Huang's Twisted series?

5) If yes, which book is your favorite? Who is your favorite Twisted hero and heroine?

Okay, this is all for now. I'll see you guys again in my next post. Take care.


Fadima Mooneira ^_^

(Authorpreneur, Content Creator, Blogger & Illustrator)

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  1. Very high praise for this book. I've heard a lot of good things about this series. Fab review.

    1. Yeah, Ana Huang is one of the hottest authors now. All of her series are hit~ If Love, Twisted, King Of Sin.

  2. This series sounds really good (I am in awe of any author who can come up with a brilliant and lasting series) and it would be great to read them. This is a fab review—as always!

    1. Thanx, Molly. You made my day again, babe ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  3. I had a crush on Christian Harper even before I read Twisted Lies. I crushed on him while reading King Of Wrath (which was the first Ana Huang novel that I read) 😍😍😍😍😍

    1. Who would not have a crush on Christian Harper? He’s a charming hero 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

      Btw, smlm I Ada singgah Popular Bookstore. Tapi KOG mash belum sampai. Katanya Popular Bookstore IOI lambat sikit sampai.

  4. I have been seeing this book everywhere these days

  5. I love book recs, and while I’m not big on the romance genre, I really enjoyed reading your breakdown of this story and its characters!

  6. I haven't read any of the books in this series, but I love that concept of the books following a group of friends. This sounds like a fun and easy read. And I love books with good strong characters so this sounds like something I'd enjoy for that.

    1. Auwww… i’m sure you’ll enjoy Ana Huang’s Twisted series. Bonne reading 🩷🩷🩷

  7. I've never heard the term new adult romance fiction, so do that mean there's an old adult romance fiction? And if there is, then what's the difference between the two?

    Also, it sounds like you might have a different definition of "alpha male" when you say "alpha male heroes". In my world, the men that say they're an alpha male are women hating bigots with fragile egos

    1. There’s no such thing as old adult. Only New Adult and Young Adult. New adult is for mature readers age 18 above. And YA is for readers under 18.

      Well, I don't know about your world. In my world, men can only be men. And women can only be women.

  8. The book sounds good. A twisted love tale always takes you on a good journey.

  9. I kind of inspired by Stella's approach of life that she wanted and her style


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